W. S. & J. W. Maynard
FOLGER'S OLOSAONIA, OR ALLHE ALING BALSA M, has been higbly reeommended by those who are acquaintcd witb t8 efibcls, in uil ceses of coughs. colil?, asthrnra, bronchitis, eonsumpuon, and jH tho ilÃ6cnses to which the lungs are subject, and we bclicve K 'n jetly entiilcd to all the high enconiums which havo been bestowcd upon it. We nre nwnre that there are mimy medicines in the market which are styled remedies and many of them niay bc very good, but thin remedy far excels ony that we have ever met witbin ehceking and curing a todiotis ough. relicvingf entirely the dlstressing atlacks of nsthma, stopping the irritntio of the thront consequent pon a cold, alleviating the worst symptoms of consumption in a short timo, and restoring the suficrer to n state of lienlth. It is no nostrum but a remedy that has been baeed upon the expcrirt.ee of over iwenty years and cannot fail io bo satisfactory in iis efiects, to al! who may be sufiering from symptoms where its use may be reqnircd. - Dr. Folger has devoted most of his time nnd attention to the treatment of the vanous affeetions of the lungs, and we believe thal a remedy coming from him,or hearing bis name, will be all that is promiscd .Agcnts forAnti Aibor.