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"tell Your Neighbors"

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aiSlienuan'e Cuugh Lozcngcs will cure a sevei cough or co ld sooner tuan anything thcy ca trtkf ; that thcy nllny n!l rritation, protnoie o.xpec toraiion, and givc quict rest ío tlic surTVrer wlien ttcnnnol otlicrwisc bcobtained. Teil (hem ilia Shcrnian's Worm Lozcnpcs are n specifie fu vonns, nnd have been tried witli perfect suc cesa in more tlinn 4,000,000 cases, and have ncv er benn known to fail- and boing prepared ly regular are pcrfeeiiy snfe, as tliry hav ncvor been knoïvn (o do injury in any case wliich ihcy have been uscd. Say to them tlin Sbernian'c Catnphor Lozcngcs are n reinccly fo the hciid.ichc, curinr in irom threc to five min tes. nnd relieving írom pnlpitation, nervous dfs enses and deprcFsion oí spirilP. And hst. no least, teil them that if thny have rhoumatism pnin or weaknesa in the back. chest, sidc, luins or any part of the body, that Shermnn's Poo Man's Piaster 3 dccidedly the best strcngihenin,, plnster in wcild, nnd will cure them quicker thai anytliingof tho kind thcy ever saw. And tel ihcm alfio, that Shernian prepares Lozcngea fo: fevcr Bd ngue, hoanburn, rlcspepsia, and all the ills tliobody ia linblc to: nndbeingn regular phy sicran, all his remedies are preparod tüftdar his own inspretion, and can bo rt-litd u,)on for all for wliich ihcy ure rccoinincnded. W. S. át J. W. MAVNARD, Agenta for Ann Arbor.