From An Experience Of More Than 20 Years, Dr. Folger Is Able...
mndicine to a!I who mny bo suffering from cougha of all kinds, consumption in its nicip'cn stages, asihniu, pain in the chest, and sido, hcc tic fcvcr, and those discascs which generully terminale in consumption, and which lic issatisficd is the best romedy thnt hn6 ever been b.o't before tho public. He hns used tlio remedy under all circumstancos, tried it eficclually, nnd now believes that it wil! do rnoro for thoee who may bc sufiering thnn any othor remedy in the werld. Cases can be exhibited at the principal depot, wliere the medicino has beeri fairly tried, and found cffectual in the most sovcre cabes oà cough, asthmn, and incipient consutnption, and wc have no doubt that when the mediciiii is genernlly known in thin section it wil! bc highly nppreciated. Il is callcd Folger's Oloaaonian or all iiealing fÃalsnm. W. S. &. J. W. MAYNARD, Agenta for Ann Arbor.