Young Men's State Liberty Association
The second annual meciing of iliis Association, willbehcM in the villago of Ann Arbor, on Wcdnesday tho 3d diy of Juno, 1346, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. and continuo during the day nnd evening. It ie expected that HkttRY Bibr, and other interesting speakers, will be present, to entortain us on tho subject of Liberty nnd Human Righta. As tliis Apeocintion is not n party one, hut intended for nll who nro willing to withhold politicnl support from slaveholders. it )8 desirous tliat at this meetini a unión mny bc had, ofthoscofall partiea and political creeds who oro wilïing by thio Associntion to aid the cause ot human Freedom. thcir own ond their country's welfare, and thus chcri sh the principies of American Liberty, that the system of Slavery in our country ia faat suborting. A full attendance of tho members of tho Aseociation is eepecially deèirable.O Tlie placo of mociing will bo announced next wcck.