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Under this head, we propose to continue the name, business, and place, of all who atlvcrlie in ihe Signal, free ot charge, during a tüue their adyenisenents continue in the paper. O Manufacturera, Booksellers, Machinist, Wholepnlo Merchantg, and all uihera doing an rztcnsne business, who wih to advertise, wit) rind the Signal thebest poiwible medium of oom-, muniention in ihe State. W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Druggiats, AnQ Arl-or. BltfeflfKH & Abbott, Dry Good, Detroit, Halluck & RAYMOKu.CIothing Store, Detroit, S. W. Fojtkr, &Cü., V ooien Manuiociurers. Scio. VV. A. Raymond, Dry Goo?s, Detroit. E. O & A. Critth.ntun, Smut Machines, Ann Arbor. G. D. HiLr., Merchnnt, Ann Arhor. T. H. Faton, Grocenes, Detroit. J. Duiumls, Water Power, Soio. J. G., Hatter, Detroit. J. 11. Ldhd & Co., Mi-rchunts. Ann Arbor. II. H. Gkiffin. Real Estáte, Ann Arbor. R. Davidson. Merchant, Ann Arbor. H, Gkkgukt, Sasb and Blind Maker, Ana Arbor. G. F. Lf.wis, Exchane Broker, Detroit. T. Blackwood. iiomaspathist, Ypsilanti. Calv.'K Bliss, Jeweller, Ann Arbor. W R. Pkrry, Book Store, Ann Arbor. P. B. Ripley, Tempernnce House, Detroit, Hakris & Williams, Steam Foundry, Ann Arbor. E. G. Buuokr, Dcntist, Ann Arbor. i. Holmes & Co., Dry Goods, Detroit. Eldrkd Sc Co.. Tannery, Detroit. F. Wetmore, Crocxery, Detroit. R. Marvin, Hardware. Detroit. H. &R. Pnrtridge. Machinists. Ann Arbor. Kkapp &. Havilaüd, Machinists, Ann Arbor. A. C. McGkaw Sí. Co.t Leather Detroit. Wardwell &. Dixok, Hardware,N. Y. City. Watxiss & Bissei.l, Forwarding, Detroit. Vm. Pisrck. Homcepathy, Ann Arbor. C.F. Smith, Hotel. Niágara Falls. J. T. Willsok, Corn Mills, Jackson. S. FiK.sir, Tempernnce Hotel. Detroit. E. F. Gat, Temperance Hotel, Howell.