Classified Ad
fedlcal o!icc. 1 Waslijn and the Btlj-ining P;""'.1. at iUiövv school f ...edidne; and ha U ,,ï , companjlijio successof the wo systfutSj he ïïïSSarWin p..d ii.-cessfi.l n.e.hod ol cure. DÃsoáies, hitlK-ru. incurable, areflów in njoi j .,.,. ..eri,ii.Mnly era lic:ie,n.y Ilorna-opailiv - j 2ScrlonVf tlie syini, hearf, uterus, âtoi.nHw fee. &c. Inwc UJ.v tlieir certniii remedies. I' KV. ""ia. nrhltfn, ver':.nJ tÃng I.swacs: '.carlet fevcr. cholea. r btafc tongiiê, croup, ïhflammiiona ol the g -, n Vonaeh, bcwete. &f. c. arconly a few fÃÃà Sïnyills, tliit havenen stript oi iheir VylL tiaiety apptication of ] liltC;)S,!.eroy(U,eun(!or,;!:n,,lwoUl! f civeu t., ihe afflictedto say. on trial ui thercn-.. - ,je wheihor H?iflcpatby is haj il claims to j bCIÃà wL,l 1 a!s we -Int he h9 :"s' WÃiirned froin New York onH l'hihdelphia, w:-h a s ,orÃéárnm Mpsic, t thia place. whre he will utéVid ... U-.Mll, ana r"!' nicdionmcnis. g ,ooks. &c. -u ihe I.m.-Ht prices: Frota ihe clopf r i;1.l duávfl tèmioa ho is ghrijiB r the study , = .âloraoiice o!' Hon.a;..paii.y tohe.ib.oio gtyc Misfaction to thüa3 who may favor hiin w t h - i.eir patronago. Commumcnjrons, -pttt'pïtd, rom p:uients at a diatauce, wiil leceive J ttention. L'iioáo w!ki may to placo themsclves uner lis treatinent for any chronic disease. nan j Utain lod"ings either at his house, or in othci IlC03!aTnoK;CS,ACKWOO0,M. D. Iloinmnpnthist. Vo-iUnti. gOthNov. 1P-Ã5 2 '.0-1- Wardweli & Bïxon, MPORTERS AND W IIOLKSALE DEALARDWARB AND CUTLERY. nj'ro 4 Ccdwr atreet. k2 doors above Pearl st. IV cw York. I. M. WaHUWLLL CüURTLA.ND P. DlXOS. W & D. nre receiving a full and gënerul as t rftmpnt ofEogliah and American Hrdwue. (insistió Ãn pnrt of T:ib!e and Pocket Cut.ery, iatchers' Rszor?, Files, Cl.iscb, Plnne Irons and 4.W3. American Buttiand Screws. Anics Sho -ds an:l apodes. Wm. Itowland's MiU and X,'u' Snvs. Marris'. Bloodfl'-. Donnis' anJ Tayor's Scyihes- wliich are oflered on the mos: ( avorable terms for oi.-h or bix dit, üïew ïork, Eeb. lñ''.6. g53--6ni Xo Wool Cii'owers. WE beg leave to iriform uur Wool Growinp trionJ?, ihat wc shall be prepare for tin purchase of 100,000 lbs. of a good clean merchantablc article, as soon us he seaso for seüini; Ci)iniijences, as we ore un:iec:ed with Eastcrn wool dealers, we shall je aole to pay ihe hihestprien the Eastem mareet will aflurd. Groat con) hint was made las: . arnonL3t tho Euücrn DiUrs anJ MánDr i'iur.T5. in "refcrence to the poor condition ol Ml -hiin Wool- jnqcb of it bcing in hnd orJei m.l ;i considerable portion bing unrca.hzd. Would here tnke oecnaion o request lha the utmost pnins should bc taken to have ttu Bheep weU washcd before shearin, that the Tag Loclis be cut off. a.ul that cacb Fleece be careKilly lied up with proper wool twine, (cost ld.f lo'ió ets per lb.) hemp twine is the best: it wiil 6e found greatly to thoadvantnge of Wool Grow erst put up their wool in tl. is manner. Ln washed wool is not merchantabie, and will be rejectcl by mustif notall ofthu Wöol buyers. it being ditriculi to clean. J. HOLMES & Co. Wooüwahd Avenue, Larneid Block. Detroii, March26, 1S46. 2'7-tf CL0TH! CLOTHà rpüE undersigned woald inTorm the public X. that they continue to manufacture FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNEL8, at theÃr manufuctory, two and a half miles west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron River, near ihtR'iilroad. TERMS. The price of manufacturing White Flannel will be 20 cents, Fulled Cloth 37J cents and Cnssi nsere 44 cents per yard. or half the cloth th Wool will make. We will also exchange Cloth for Wuul on rensonable teima. The colors wil! bD gray, black or brown. TIk Wool belonging to each individual will bc worked by itself when there is enough of om quilhy to make 80 yards of cloth; when thi? u oot the case, severa! pareéis of the same quaht) will bc worked togclher, and the cloth divi.!c' atnong the several owners. Wool sei.t by Rail rond, marked S. W. Foster & Co., Ann Arbor. with directions, will be atiende 1 to in the saiw , mueras if tha owner were to come with it.- The Wool will bü manutnclured' in turn ns Ães in, as ncar as nny be consistent with th nt qu litius of Wool. We have been tfngnged in this husiuess sevc ral years, and from the very general sntisfaetiu wé have given to our numerous custotners fo Ih3 last two years, we are iniuced to ask larce sharc of patronage with confitience tUnt w shall meet the j-Jst e.xpectattons of cuetomers. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Fos'.e &Co.,Scio. g w foster & co Scio, April 6? 134G. 860-Iy "Steam Foundry. TilE undersigned having bought the cntir interest of JI. & R. Partrido and Geo; T Kent in the 4iSteam Foundry," Ann Aroo wiÃl manufacture all kinds of Caslines to ordo anJ willbe hnppy to fumLsh any kind ofGosling to the old customers ol Harris, Partndc & ( o II. & R. Partridge, & Co., and Partridge. Ken & Co., and to all others who may favor thei vrhUacall. â. n. HARRIS, E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2CJ81C. 2U-Ià cövNrïTbn ders. MP [IE lii.-liestprictM'1'dincaf-hby G. F. Lew JL i-, Excbange Broker, opposite the Insur anee B.nk, Detroit, for orders on any of th counfiÃiñ the State of Michigan; nlso fwr Stat Sicaritiea of all kinds utid uncurreiu funds Ca anisen. OA. f Dce 1. 145. ?4Ulf To Spoptsmcn. AGENEIi ,Lii3-5orimcntof Cns'cel and I-o Barrel Ilit'.;p, doublé and f ingle bnrrel Siiot Gans, Pistol. Gun Locks, Game Bags, Shot Pouche3, Pi A-der Flasks, for sale by WM. R. NOYES, 218-fv 7S Woodw-jrd Avenue. Detroit. MICHIGAN LAND ANOTAX A6ENCV, H. D. POST, Mason, lngham Counli, Michigan WILL atlcnd to the payment of Taxes, ex aminotion ot Tules, purchaee and sale o' Lands, &c. &c. Any business entrusteil tohim will be trnnsacted with promptnesa and aocuracy - Address by mail. Referentes, ( by permission. ) C. Hurlbut, DetroU, J. C. Heartt, Hrother & Co. ) T Wilder &Snow, S irmj' Woodbury. Avery & Co. y y k R. G. Wllliam3, S 7 E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. V. & T. W. ROOT's 8T0RE, CRANE & JEWF.TT's BLOCK, or-i-tf ANN ARBOR.â â â â â â â â â i LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDRCD d; CO., No. 123, Jefferson Avenue, lïldred's Block," Detroit, tako thls ppórtuniry to inforui iheir eustomers, and llie public generally, th;U they tül continue to keep on hand a fu!l assortment of Sp-inUh Sj!c Lenthcr, I Also. Lnss nnd Pees, Curriers' Too!s, &c. SLiughiered do Hors) and Co:iar l.ea'her, Ileiiilock tanncd Upper Leaiher, Gordevnn do Ok '; 4 '; Mnr.u'cJ tÃl-ii'3. French C;ilf Skins. &ehl do O:ik anil Heinluck tanr.eJ do Goot Biinlinyr, Ilcmlcck taiincd.Unrness and Dridlu Leaiher, Deer airl Lrimh ;: Oak '; " ' " White and Culuied L'mings Bag and Top Lentiicr, Prinidl do Skirting. Piiilntlèlphtn nhd Oliio; Shoc Rtlsset do nïnjf, and Kit ol all kinds. As the Subscribers are now mnnnfiicturir.g their own Leather, ihey are prepared o soll as Iow asean be purchased in tbis market. Mcrchants and manuiocturers will find it to their advantage to cali and examine ur stock before jmrehasing elsewlicre. (T?0 Cash and Leather exchanged for Ilides and Skins. ELDRED ds CO. Detroit, Jan. 18 -IC. 248-1 y