The American Barbary
We havo often addic;d evidenco to show tlmt aslaveholding society ntitur.ily tendsto barbarism. Ilere is a specimen of tlic way they punish boys and girlsin Louwiann. Wo fnul it in an e.chango papar. If tho girl ana boy do nol becorrie perfect beasts or devils undcr stich treatmont, it will be most "remnrkablo." Rkmakkari.e. - An old ncgress nnmed Ifaniuili was senteneed to bo hnnged on tho 3d in Alixnndri.'i, Ln., for atlempting to poison an ovoisccr nnd bis wiiV, limiièd SKéffièljl. A boy nml girl vvho alicitcd tlio won! be murJercss werc cnnvictfil, Rto'H tlicir punisbinonls are rcmrtrkable. Tlo boy was soutencod to wear arunnd bisneck a live pound iron collar lor twclve monliis; and tlu1 girl lo tveaf a shiüÃár dollÃÃr, and to receive twentv-livü lat-bcs per month for tbe same poriod.
Anti Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty