Cure for sorc eycs. - Roast four eggs, ukc the white and pressthejuice through i fino clolh, put in the liquid a piece of ugar of lead and white vitrol, tho size of a mail shot, and of alum as much as of the wo, andoi'loafsugar the sizo of a chesïut. A lady rccommcnds the above from nuch cxperience. Justice. - Ritchie, for the murdcr of 'lëasontsat Richmond; Tirrcll, for the nurder of his mistress at Boston ; and 'olly Bodine for tho murder of her paamour at New York, have all been tried nd acquitted. The slavo Pauline, at "Jew Orleans, for btrikino a white woiian who had oftcn beaten her with iinpulity, luis been tried and hung. Great :ountry ! as Briggs says. More. - Baker, convicted at Baltimore f slave trading and piracy, has boenparloncd by the President. Torrey, con,'icted at the same place of obeying the jolden rule, is left by the Governor f Mriryland, to pine and die in pri.son. very great country! More slill. - Petronia,acolored woman, :onvicted of stealing a white child was ñlloricd and Jloggcd 'm the market place. Poi.k, a wiñte man who stole 60 colorcd persons (at least, they were "found in his liand') was made President. A very great country indeed! - Cleveland A mercan. Editors. - "How seldom it happens," said one friend to another, "that we find editors who are bred to the business." "Very," replied the other, "and have you not remarked how seldom the business is bread to the editors." A Newspaper in Orcgon. - The St. Louis Rcviellc bas received the fust numbcr of the Oregon Spectator, the first newspaper ever published in the Oregon Territory. lts motto is, "Westward the star of empire takes its way." The editor, (who, by the way, we uscd to know out in the Hoosier state,) is W. G. T'Vault. In his opening leader he says the paper will be neutral in politics, and devoted to the general nteresÃs of the territory ; but he ai the sanie Ãi:ne informs thent tiiat heisa democrat of the JeÃerson school - (wc can testify to that.) Besides being editor of the Spectator, he is PrOfeëcuting Attorncy and Postnuisler General óf the tcrrilory. The last time we saw T'Vault, he was the only praetising attorney in the little town of Plymoüth, indiana. The place cónfuiuod per liapáonc hundred inhabitants. Now hu i; a great man in a greal lerritory. - Jad: son Patriot. On the sidos of Mount Etna aro nbon 77 cities, towns and villages, containii nbout 115,000 inhabitants. Tho excess of females over males ii tho whole population of Great Britui is said to be 590,539. People like a paper that is independen of all bul themselves. A Scotch peasantgirl,said tohor broth or "She could na see just what ii wa that niaile hiiu gang so often and stay s lale to sec ony lassie; for her part sli had rather hae the company o' ane lai tlian twenty iasses!" 4I wish the ludios had the privilege o voling," said a politician the olher day, 'Whv," said a bystander, "do yoi think our party wouldgainstrength" there by ! " "Not, part icularly that,'' was tho reply "but it would beso intcresting to elee t ioneer them." '"Annexalion nn.t wnr' - that's true. ever worj of it." said o pert old ntdidz 'no soonc do you gel mtirried tliun you begin xnfijhtl "Ho that desireth the oflïcfc of a Bishop desireth a good thing." The combine revenue of tho two Arch-Bishops an twenty-five Bishops of England, is com puted at L3,153,460. Ready. - A young man stepped into book-store nnd said he wanied 'o get".' Young Man'? Conpanion." "Wcll,siiy said the boukseller, "Ucrc's ïiiy Daugt , ter." A CO5IPLI.MK.NT TO TUK LiADIKS. minister, a short time ago held forth t( his female auditors in the manncr follow ing: - "Be not proud that our Lord pai yoursex the distin'guished honor of firs appeaÃ-ing toa femile afterhis resurrec tion, for it was only done that the glai lidings might spread the soonc r !"A JBrush with England at last. - In Troy, Wisconsin, 2,000 acres of broom corn wcre plunted last year, and 80,000 brooms manufactured for u special market, Liverpool. Truc Sentiment. - The power of the sword perisheth with the arm that wields it, but a good book lives and works foiever. TheBogus Democracy in Illinois are evidcntly a very nieok and tru&ting jeo]le. At a late convention, they passed a resolution, npprovingof "all the mensures Congress has adopted, or muy hcreaflcr