Notices: Female Antislavery Meeting

Dsar Sisters of Lenawee Counly, State of Michigan : We the uncieisigned, fceling a deep interes! in the cause ofsufienng humanity and ejtnpathizing deeply witi) ihoso who are engaged in etrennous efforts to bring to an end all oppression which, at ihis moment is working death to mil!lons of our fcllow beings, and moreover bciug deeply pained by the cry of more than one million '40 ilioii33nd of our own sex, who, in anguish of" spirit and brokenness of heart cali fur hclp, and reccg:)irg our obügation to :hem as our eq'.ial sisters, tnrny of whoni are within the pale ot the (Jhristian Church, and of our respective denomin.ations, artl also believing it is time to awake ns ouf of sleep, and pive the cause oà chrisiian ttfnrm the weigh: oà our entiie influ e .cc. We most carncsi'y invite nil our sia'crs who have a hcart to this good work, to meet witn ue in the villiigo of Adr'an, on tho last Wednesday of August next, at the Uaptist Chu c'i at ld u'ciock A. M., to consult Q8 to the beat nieans oi co operating with our fathers, linsbands. and brothers in difiusing light and trutlj nnd ot prutnoting virtuo nud sound inorality. FlUXUMN. ?. V. M. Barrows, A. M. Keyes, Sopïiia W. Davis. D. Bcebe, S. Stout, 15. Langdon, A. Ilunter, F. A. Merritt, E. A. Robinecn, S. A. Coleman, P. Blïir, C. Langdon, II. Davis, riizubeth Munter, II. L. Uecbe, Mi. A. Bccr-e Rhoda Ball, Ehz. H. Colenjan, Clarisa Hainpton, Lutc:ta llainpton. llAl-I .. Mrs E. A. Dolbern, ffÃH. 8', B. Smitl.
Female Antislavery Society
Old News
Signal of Liberty
C. P. M. Barrows
Sophia W. Davis
S. Stout
A. Hunter
E. A. Robinson
P. Blair
H. Davis
H. L. Beebe
Rhoda Ball
Clarisa Hampton
A. M. Keyes
D. Beebe
B. Langdon
F. A. Merritt
S. A. Coleman
C. Langdon
Elizabeth Hunter
Mrs. A. Beebe
Eliza H. Coleman
Lusetta Hampton
Mrs. E. A. Dolbern
Mrs. S. B. Smith