Classified Ad
To Wool GroTrers. WE beg leave 10 nform our Wou! GroWinp Irinds, that we sÃmil be prcpurod lur th purchnee of 100,000 Ibs. jf a gooi! clenn merchantable ariicle. fis som ns iho season f'or gelliny CJinnieiiccs. as we au connected with Eusiem wool deaLrs, wc sliall be able to pay rhc higliuat pricn ihe Eavtcrn mm kei vrill nflbrd. compliint was made last easjn amongst tlie Easiern Utnlers and MuhuIneturer, in reference lo the poor coiidiiiun o! Michigan Wool - rnuch of it boing In l'nd ordei .inil u considerable portion beiug tanca: h-A. Wc would hero take OcCnsion o rtquest thm tho utmost pains aliould le lüken to hnvo ihc slicep well washed before shearing. tliai Tng Loeks be cut olF. nnd that cach Heece hi? caretully lied up with proper wool nvitio. (cost ItJ to -5 cis per 11.) Iiunip tsvine i the hMli it will be found E(rcaily to thjadvnningc of Wuol Gnvv urs to put up t'ncir wool in tlns manncr. Un washed wool is not merchantable, nnd will bc rejected hy most if not all ofihc Wool bnycrB, ii being diificult to rlenn. J. HOLMES & Co. WuOlUVAKl) AVEMIK, Larncrd- Uiock. Detroi,, Marcb26, 1846. 27-tfWOO2.! WOOI" CLOTH! CLOTH!! npiJK undersigned woald inlorm ihe public X. thnt ihoy continue 10 manufacture FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, at their rnonuf-ictory, iwo and a huif miles wcsi of Ann Arbor, on the ilurou lliver, near ih , Railruad. TF.RMS. The priee of manufnctiirinc White Flnnnel will e 20 cents, Fulled Cloih 37$ cents ond Casaiuere 44 cents per ynrd, or half the cloth thiVool will make. We will also exchange Cloih or Wool on reasonable terms. Tlie colora will be gray. black or hrown. The Wool belonging to eacli individual will be vorked by itself when theve is enough of one quality to make 80 yards of cloth; wlien ihis is not the case. snveral pnrjels of the same quality will bc worked together, and ihe cloth divukd antong the sevcral owners. Wool seM by Rnilroad. marked S. W. Foster So Co.. Ann Arbor. with directions, will be attcndcJ to in the snnie â naiiner as if ihe owner wore to come with it: - The Wool will be tnanulnntureri in turn as it comes in. as near as m iv he consistent with the different quilnies of Wool. We have heen enpaged in this business sove ral yenrs. and froni the very general sátiáfacMot we have given to our nuinerous custon.ers fo the last two years. we are nduced to ask larsre share of patronage with confirience that w shall meet the j'ist expectattons ot customcr. Letters shoulJ be addresscd 10 S. W. Foste &.Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 6. 1846. . . 260-Ty i uSleani Foundry" Til LI undorsirncfl havinjj bought the entirE interest of H. 6c R. Partridce and Geo. F. i Kent in tho 'Steam Foundry." Ann Arbor, : will manufacture all kinds of Castings to order, i and willbe happy to furnish any kind of Castini ; to the oÃd enstomcra ol Marris. Partride fc Co., ; H. &. R. P.irtridüe. & Co.f und Partridge. Keni 1 & Co., and to all others who may favor them with a cali. H. B. ÃIARRIS, E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 26, 1843. 214-tfCOCiJTTY ORDERS. % THE higlicsiprice paid in ca&hhy G. F. Lew 'iPi Exchangc Broker, opposite the Insurance Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the counties in the State of Michigan: also for S'p.ksccurities of all kinds and uncurrout funds Oall andsee. Dec 1. Iñ45. 241-tf _____ i To Sportsmen. AGF.NERALassortmeruof Custeel nncllton j Barrel Rifies, doublé and single barrel , Shot Guns, Pistola. Gun Locks. Game Bags, , Shot Pouches. Pc wiier Flasks. forsnle by W.M. R. NOYES, 248-Iy 7tJ, VVoodward Avenue. Detroit. E. G. BURGER, Dailisf, FIKST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W, KOOT'? I STORE, CRAXE & JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-If ANNARBOR. BETTE R LA TE THANNE VER! . HH K Subseriber h.i8 the plensure of ' cinc to 1I13 l'ublic. llint lis has just receivcd ftotn New York, an! opened a cho:cc and wel! ' wlecteci nssortment of NEW GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Groccries, Crockcry, Hardxcarc, Boots and Shocs, whieh hc w:i! sell ai Very Luw Pnces for Readj Pay in Cush. or Produce. Cmh 01 Goods wil! be paid for VVOOL in onj quanuues. ROBERT DAV1DS0N. Ann Arbor. June 11). 184T. iGS CKE4P STOVJES ! AT YPSILANTx! irtf COOKhNG kPARliOR RTOVKS. JL ijatJ juut receivedr by the Subeciibcr. (inost!y from Aib;iny) ninking a good essortmont ol the late.or and best paittrns. whir-h wiü be soM nt Low Pi Les! nut io bc undersold tliis sidc Lak( E rit-! Also, Copper Fiiriiiinrf, Cnu'o'ron Ke:tles. IIollow Ware of all aizes, Stovo Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, 5tc TM WARE! M im;f;]Cturid, nnd consinnily Uopt on hanri whicb will nlso be sold very low. P. S. - Purchnitjrs will W well to cal! urn! examine for thcir own satisfucun. J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanli. J:ne 20. 1846. 271 1: "Crockery at Wholesale." FKEUERICK WETMOIÃE. haa cnitant!y on hand, the farsee! .leek in the Wciai ot Crockrri, China, Glasswure, Looking Cflassës and Piales, Brilamiia Ware Tas, Lamps and Wiclcing-, Pa led Jf'arc, China Tuya, fyc. 4f His stock Mclmlcs all the vaneties of Crockery und China, Oom ihe fincst Ciiinn Diniii â jnd 'I ea Setis o the mosi cormdn and low priced ware - from tlic lichci cm phss to rhe plainest ihss ware. liiitnnnia Cnsioisofeverj kind. Britanuia Tea Si-ne, CoÃlee Puts, Ten Pote, Lampa, CñndleatÃ.cKsj Ac. Solar L.iiü La.mis of every drsrription froii the 0)081 cooily cui Puilor Laiüj) to the eliospesi Store lamp. All ihe uboyc nrticles are importpd hyhimsuli directly frotn tlie mnnufneturers and wilj l.c eo'fi at Wholcsnle. bp tbw h. at any WholesaleHoufce. expenses (rom eewboard addfd ouly. A lihcnil discount giye.n for cash. Monhonts and oihcrs nre inviicd to cnll and e.tnmine the above ariicli 8 at thf o'd stind. No. 125, JefiersoD Avenue (Eldied's Blrk.) Duiroii. '24-i-ly To Country Merchante TME Subsciiber has constan tly fot sale u good assortment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, well adnpted to the country market which he will sill at wholeenre or retail, veut low. CaJl and see thom at the Manuvttan SroRr.. W. A. RAYMON'D, 275-tf Detroit. Chattel OTorlgag-es, JUGT prime-j andfr tule at ilus office in an-. quantity.
J. Holmes & Co
S. W. Foster & Co
Steam Foundry
H. & R. Partridge
Harris Partridge & Co.
Partridge Kent & Co.
Exchange Broker
Gun Sales
Dry Goods
Chattel Mortgages
Old News
Signal of Liberty
H. B. Harris
E. T. Williams
G. F. Lewis
William R. Noyes
E. G. Burger
Robert Davidson
J. M. Brown
W. A. Raymond
No 63 Woodward Avenue Larned's Block Detroit
No 125 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan
No 76 Woodward Avenue Detroit