An.v Arbor, Sept. 25, 1846. The news of the Cambria raised prices which were before advancing, nll over the couniry. The rise in the Engliih market wai 2s. to 2s. 3d. sterling per 70 Ibs. on Wheat. ïndian corn advanced lOd per quarter. On the rcceipi of this news in New York, corn advanced at once 5 cents n bushei, and n corresponding rise took plnce in Biiiïalo. We noiice by our Michigan exchanges a disposition to p:,y the highet prices. Bnt we judge that many of tho huyera feel doubt ful nbout the turn the market wül take, as the next arrival from Englnnd may depress p-ic.s as much as the Iaat arriva! hns raised them. We quote good Wheat here to-diy at GG cent, which may be called tho market price. BuÃtalo, Sept. 22. 13,000 bushei j of Whea old at 80 nnd tÃ] cents. 2,000 bbl.-. Mlch. Flou sold for $4.12J ; and 513 choica Monroe nnd Watcrloo at$ 11.500 bushelsCorn brough öG cents, the deniand is brisk. Nkw York. Sept.21. 15.0.10 barrels orFlou were taken to-day forexportation at n,enrly $:j.OO But the general quotations wera$4,86 to $-1.6fi 7.003 buahels corn sold at 75 cents. Freight to Liverpool- Flour 2s a 2s. Gd sterling : Grain 8id Bterling.
Market Prices
Agricultural Markets
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