Classified Ad
WJEJLLE& MMMiSMili:E STORE. Sign of the Big Anvil. Fiird Store soulh of the Square, on Main Street. rlJE Subscriber, having receved his wintar stock, would respectlully invito to i tu ipection Country Dealers, Mechanica, ond Knrlers. couÃideni thai iliey wiU find theassonment a general und complete, nnd the prices as low wnli :hc ndduional churre for transportation on eavy goodd) as nt any establishment of the kind i Detroit. I J is .stuuk is comprised n part o! the fullowine; nicles FOR BLACKSM1THS. Juniatn. Swcdcs. and OÃd Sable Bar Iron f uniata and Peru round ni.d square Iron, front MGths tu 3 inches ; Band, Hoop. Stnke, and iorsc Shoe Ironj iill sizes ; Norwefcian and Ãld Sable Nnil liúda; Ameiican, Swedes, Engliali Jitster.Geunan, :md Cast Sieels. Albany Spring teel, AH uny made Wagon and Seai Spring, rVagon Boxes. Sleigh and Cuite; Shoia, iVlaleablo Ostings of every possible forin, flort "Ãails, Bornx, Uoise ShoeShapes, Bugg) Bands, rmitace Mouse Hole and Wright'e Anvila, ottrel Keyod V ices, Wesi's Beüows, Sledgea ind IJand J-Jammertt, Hollow Augers, Filea and tasps of every ehnpe aiid size. FOR CARI'KNTEftS, A full assortmen: ur" etisrem Bench and Moni Jing Tools ; P!nnc liona ; Millwrightj Efmninr, Corner. Duck Bilfi Fintier. and TÃiriiÃnj Clua:ls ; Millwiight, T inning, and Firmer Gougea ; Concave, Concave Nut, and Cotnmon Augera ; ugër-lipped, Centre, poon. Gouge, and Gim. lm Bilis ; Hand, Panel, Buck, Compara, and Keyliole Suws ; Steel and Jron Squates ; Try 5{uares, and Bevels ; Spirit Levéis ; 2 and 4 bid Rules ; Broad. ilai.d, nnd Narrow Aieo ; kilzea, liainmtrs, Setts of Bi aces and Bitta. FOR BUJLDF.RS. Cut Nails from 2.1 to GOd. Wrought Nilr Brond head and riniBlnns Nails, Cut Brads, Dry fi'it! Mixed Lend, Linst-ed Oil ; Bdlevfcr.ion" Gltii-s from 7 by 9 to 10 by 14 ; American and Norfuik Laiches ; American and English Rim, M.iriibo, and Cottage Icks and Luicheg, vriili Uoscwuod. Brass. Mineral, and Plnted Knobs ; Casi, TnrilF, nnd Wrought Bnttu; Screw. Boli, Door lkils and Firniiurc, Brass Knockvrs, Citern Pumps. THE FARMERS, wïil fi id every utensil thiy reqiiire. Axn. Manure and Piich Forks. Iron and.Cast Steel SlioveU and Soadcs. Gruss and Cradle Sytbes. Grain Scoop, Unes. Grubbinjf Hoes. Straw Knivr, Crowbnrs. Ptck Axts. VVool and Huisu Card, Horse Bru&lies and Curry Combè, Log, Trace. Coil, Wrapping, and Halter Chaina. IlOUáEKEEPEUS, can select from the most splendid assnrtment of ameiican and English Tuble Cutlery, Shearf Scissors: Pen and Pocket Knives; Butler Kmv, Lron. Brittannia, Germán Silver. nnd Flmed Tr nnd Tnlle Spouns ; Brinannia Tea and Cufie Pots : Brasa, Jron, and Britrannia Candleaiick imd LnmpH. Snuffers nnd Trays, Tea Tray, BraMiinil Iron Andirons, Shovels, ad Tong, Binss Ketiles and Pnile, Sad Iioim, Jic. etc., loyctlier wilh a lurge assortincnt oJ Albany Caa COOK, PAR LOR. & BOX STOV_ES, &Ã1 of vvlueh, boving mjrnhiiped for Cash, hc will jlFr at most reosonnhle torms. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arhor. Der. 3, I rr-lii. W.ï-ly "Crockery at Wholesale." FREDtIRICK WETMORE. has cult.Inntly on hand, ihe Inrgesi m i:k in ihe WtÃ-à ol Crockrry, Chitui, Glatsvore, Lonking Gasses avd 'Piules, Britavyia Ware Tras, Lampg and Wieking, riulul Wette, China Taya, $c. SfC IJis stock incudea a!l ihe anei:es of Cratk. ery and China, fruin the f.rifbi China Dixatr and Tea Sttts to the nmsr common and low priced waie- from the ntl.esi cut Inw to ilio plnincst glass ware. Rntjinnia Cnstmol every kind. Biiinnnia Tra Stis. Coil'ee Pou, T Pots. Lainps. C.HK.'lesntks. 4c. Solar Lard Lamà 3 of tvrry descriptton from the misi costly cut ParlorLamp to ifie chcapiat Store lamp. â All the above arricies are imponed by hin'M directly from the manufacturen and will be old at Wholesale, nt low as at any Wholesale Hosm expense Irom senboaid nddcd only. A liberal discouur jL'iven for cah. Menhants nndoihersare invirtdro exil nd cxnmine th al.ove ariieh m the old ,.tnrdf If olÃ;, JeÃÃerson Avenue (Eldied's Elork ) .- troil ______ 24.:if SELECT SCTÃÃL MISS J. B. Smith. assisted by Miaa . à tKi.r, nnnoumeso il, e publie ihnt iie ir prepnred to rtceive young (adÃes into hrr aJiool in the basement room oà the Episcopal Omreh. Tkhms- For quancrof 12 weeks, for F.nliih branches from $2,to A5; French nnd Laiip eacb 43 extra if .ursucd togetJier with ihe Knelith iiudjés,_or separatcly, $5 p.irh. T),c ,,.huol willbelurntshcd wnh a Philoophicnl ppxms; nnd pccnsionol iecturis givcn on the Katural Sciei'CC8. Mrs. Ihijaliswill givé nafruction to all vrho desire it, in Music, Drawing, Painting nnd Nedlcwork. Miss Smiih refers to the following geuirnntii Professors VVilliIim8, Ten 3 rook, nnd Wt.edon of the Universiry; Rev. W. S. Curii, Kev Mr. Simons, Rf;v. C. (;. Tnylor, Hou. E. Mua. dy, Win. S. Maynnr! Ktq, Ann Arbor. April 29. isrö. 2fiS-tf L MICHIGAN LAÃO AND TAX AGENCY. H. D. POST, Mason, Ingham County, Michigan. T171LL altend to the poyment of Tnxea, ex V V amination ot Tule, purchaa and al Of Lands. &c. &c. Any business entrusted rohini will be tranaacted wnh prompiness and accuracy- Addreia h mail. Rcferences. Cnjpermission.J C. Tlurllitit. Dttioit, J. C. Hearit, rirother &. Co. ) â â Wilder & Snow, J TroV' V.'i-xlburv. Averyfe Co. T â , R. G. Williams, J Nao YorkCHEAP STOVES AT YPSILANTl! lOà COOKLN'G &PARLOR STOVES, â - justreceived, by the Subsciiher, (moitly from Albnny) ninking a good assortment of the latest nnd best pntterns. which will be soli ' nt Low Prices! uot to be undersold this side Lak 1 Erie! Also, Copper Furniture, Cauloron Kettlea, Hollow Wure of all sizes, Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, &c. i TIN WARE! Mnnufacturcd, nnd constnntly kept on hand 1 which will also bc sold very low. P. S.- Purchasers will do well to cali and 1 examine for their own satibfaction. ' _r ., . J. M. BROWN. Ypsilanti. J:nc20, 1846. 271t FOR SALE CHEAP kor CASH, or evory kind of cour try Produce. "Saddles, BridhsJIarness, Trunks, ValU ses, Tmnk Valises,CarpetJBogs,$c. Also a ooü ossortjnejii of Vvn:pá c L,Ãtnzt, which will be sold very low, and no mitak!, at 1 COhK&ROlSINSOlt'S. Ann Arbor, August 12, 1846. 277-tf JUSTARRIlfED BY EXPRESS. THE Mozart Collection of Sacred Music, by E. Jves Jun - contnining iho celebrated " Chrisiusnnd Miserere by Zingarelli with Lg' IÃ8li ni. Is. Teachers of Music will please cali and cxam ine the work at Perry's Booxitokz. Octobr 7, 1846. 28G-
Welles Hardware
Girls' School
Michigan Land & Tax Agency
J. C. Heartt Brother & Co.
Wilder & SNow
Woodbury Avery & Co.
Perry's Bookstore
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Henry W. Welles
Frederick Wetmore
J. B. Smith
S. Field
Mrs. Hughs
Andrew Ten Brook
W. S. Curtis
C. C. Taylor
E. Mundy
William S. Maynard
H. D. Post
C. Hurlbut
R. G. Williams
J. M. Brown
No 125 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan