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Laie advices make no mention of the disentions which nre said to exist in Santa Antia's ranke. He hnd directed that the Capital should be fortified with energy, and a considerable number of troops were advanc-ing for the defence of the city. Senor Vil.imil ha3 been appointcd Minister of Finance, and took the oath of office on tlie lTth uit. The tone of the Mexican pnpers tosvards the United States is less arrogant. The correspondence betwecn Gen. Tnylor and Santa Anna terminated the nnnistice. Gen. Taylor asked the release of the American prisoners sent into the interior, on the ground that all the Mexican prisoners had been set at liberly. - Santa Anna says in his reply that the generosiiy of Gen. Taylor had been res! ponded to in the same spirit. All the prisoners at that post, San Luis, se ven in number, had been rcleased, and furnished wilh seventy dollars to procure sustenance upon tho road. On the night of the 26ih, a boat hav ing on board Lieut. Parker, passed Mid shipman Rogers and Ilynson, with five men, was sent from llie brig Somcrs thenying nt Green Islnnd, five miles f rom Vera Cruz, and buvned the Mexican brig Creóle, moored in the Castle of San Juan d'UUoa, nnd captuied 7 Mexicans on joard. Hynson was the oniyone injured, and he not seriously. Twe'nK-seven ofiicersof our army have been killed in action, or died f rom other causes, since Gen. Taylor first landed at Corpus Cbristi, A young soldier named Wynkoop, of Zanesille, Ohio, who was in the fightot Monterey, writes home to his friends, as follows : 'During the fight of the second day, aflog of cessation was sent to the Mexicans requestibg a few hours to bury the dead, which were strewed in frightful pües over the fild. Tliis was refused ; and ihe dendand wounded lay where they feil, benenth ihe rays of a scorching sun lill the battle was ended. It was then almost impossible for our men 10 endaro ihc stench, while they hea d din over the poor fMlows where they lay. The bodies of the doad wce as blnck as coal;mr.ny of thcrn wer strippedof their cluthing by the Mexicans during the niglu. Several pT those who were wounded during the first days' fight, crawled imo ditches and hole to avoidilie ballswhich were rolling like hail stones over the field, whence, exhiusted by t!ie lo-s of j blood, they were unable to crawl or glve signs of dist res. As a consoqueiice. man y perished, though some vlo were found in this condíiion. were removed and nrc recovpiing." The Emancipator siys of the butcliery at Tobüseo, - " N)v, let il bc ob-erved thnt ll-e town of Tobüsco was peaceful and quiet, thnt t was inhnbiled chiefly by " foreign residents," thnt it hy pnürely out of the route of armies, that tlie pissesinn of it was not wai)ted for nny military or warlike purpoe whatever, that ihe only object of this ferocious attack wns to gnt ■ fy the eagerness of Perry to " do some thing" tomnke up for the defeats at Al varado. We do not believe the Englisl in Chinn,or the French in Algeria, hav ever made a more causeless sacrifico o women and children than lliat ! An what says the nation ? What says Dan - iel Webster ? What says Governo - Briees?Henry Clay's son is L(. Colonel ol a regiment of Kentucky volunteers. Deniel Webster's son is of acompany of volunteers in JYlassachusetts, and will probably be in Mexico soon. John J. Crittenden's son is a Cnptain in lhe new regiment of Mounted Riflemen. The Baltimore correspono'ent of the True Sun, givcs the folio w ing particulars of the affairs at Tobasco - "A great many defenceless femalcs and children were unfortunately killed by the shells lïom our guns. An instiince or two is mentioned. A Mexican had his only dnughter, a beautilul girlof eighteen years, cumpletely cut in two by a 24 lb. shot. and at'ier laying the mutihited remains on the bed, he rushèd down to the heach, covcred with blood, and irnplored men to stop firing. In another inslnncfi, a whole family were sitting at the table, wheii a shell. feil among them, instantly exploding, kilüng all the femalcs, besides threeservants."The Pnvnees, who robbed the train of government wigons, on the plains between Indopendonce and Sania Fe, cut open and ?cattered about three hundred sacksof flüur to the four winda of heaven. The prairie, for miles around the spot where the rcbbery was committed, is said to have been as white as if coverod wiih snow. The villanous rascáis, immediately upon getting possession of the wagons, set to work powdering thernselvas, and the color of their yellow &kins was soon changed to one of snowy whitenftss. The sport of snow-balling each other with hands full of flour, they enjoyed to a great d"gree ; and after making the most of the frolic, they bedecked themselvesoutin the sacks, and in this garb several were seen by the men who retiKned to Fort Leavenworth, on the plain, two or threc days after the robbery. - One fellow liad modelled his sack nto n turban,and the brand, U. SM was immediately in fronf. The letters were" quite unintelligible to them, but nevertheles, they seemedo prize tliem quite highly as in all the reech cloths. made of thcm, the U. S', vas contrived so as to be preserved in Vont. Both Housesof theSouih Carolina Legslai ure hnve ndopied a resolution apiroprialing twonty thousand doliars, to ae expended under the direction of flio ?ield Officers, to equip the regiment of 3ouih Carolina volunteers, for service n the war against Mexico. A Memorable Fact. - It is stated in the Washington Union, that since the hattles of the 8th and 9th of May last, which precipitated a war with Mexico upon us, at least three hvndred thousand volunteers have oífered their services to the government. Is tliore another country in the world, where so large a forcé could be raised by voluntary enlistment Por foreign service in so short a time ? - The eight new regiments are nearly full - some of them quite. They are to serve " during the war." - Utica Observer. On this a New York paper re.narks - C Just put the above statement alongside of the fact that Government has lately oíTered $2,00 a head íbr enlistments ! Three hundred thousnnd volunteers are not enough to answer the purpose, out Government must oíFer a premium of two dollars as adeceplion fund to get men for the slaveholders' war! No, this expedition for the plunder of Mexico is not so popularas the Union and its Uticaecho wouJd malee it out to be - else why ibis bounly ? The fact is, 300,000 did let off a litfle " patriotic " gas, but they wcre careful not to put their feetintothe trap so a to obligo themselves to go. - Henee the creation of the deception fund; and henee it is. that men are sent throughout the entire Stale 50 seduce green-horns enough to make up one regiment ! Who doubis that vve are a patriutic people ?" It nppears f rom government despa(che, that a newspnper was issued at Monierey, August 15th, called "The Californion," by Robert Semple. It is issued evcry Saturday, at $5 a year. - It is the sizc of a single leaf of foolscap pnper. The Washington correspondent of the Commercial Advertiser says the administration have determined to cali out morO ' troops. Ten regiments wil] be immediately called for, to beenüsted as voluntpers for llia whole of the war. Fifty thousand men engaged for the war will soon be in the field. Under the act of list May, this furce will be in addition to ihe increase of the regular army", ilso authorized by tho act of the last session. We have further newsby telegraph, of the lollowing import. il is now slatd on pretty good authority, thnt T ornas H. Benton, J. J. Critlenterlod Silas Wnght are to be appoitited Coramissionersto proceed to Mexico, with power to nrrnnge a treaty of ppace - Mr. Benton to bft cre.ited Lt. Gen., with authority 10 fight or negutiate, as his judg(npnl mny díctate. üen. Taylor had returned from Saltil In which was in tlie quiet possession of the troops under Gen. Worth. No demonstra! ion had been mado against him, though at a distance of only thirty miles, the scouts of Gen. Worth had discovered about 3,000 cavalry, said to liave been sent from Potosi. Gen. Wool had been ordered by Gen. Taylor to occupy the town of Parrces. The inh'abitants made no opposition to General Wool, but preparod to receivo him. It was understood that General Taylor would occupy all the posts and towns upon the line of operations to Tampico. He would himself shorlly take up the line of march upon Victoria, where rumor says, Santa Anna has 10,000 choice troops. The possession of Victoria is indispensably necessary to Gen. Taylor to öfccure his line of communicotion in an attnck upon Potosi. Santa Anna would no doubt resist the attempt.Potosí was in a strong state of dofence and daily receiving additions to its slrength. A rumor prevailed at Brazos on the llth, and was generally believed, that sixty government wngons, with provislons and specie, had been captured by Canales, on the road between Camargo and Mier. Il was belived that Santa Anna intended to harrass Gen. Taylor, and make a staud against bim which would require hard fighting. lt is now conceded by the officers of our ormy generally, lhat the Mexicans will fight. San Luis Potosi is in astrong state of defencc, and is daily being made siill stronger ; and it may bo that the battles of Palo Alto and Ressaca de la Palma, and those at Monterey, wero but specimens of what may occur before San Luis. Officers believe thni a harder fight than any one yet is before them. San Luis Potosi is one of the richest cities in all Mexico, being directly in the mining district. By arrval from Havann, wehavenews. from Mexico to Nov. 27th, and Vera. Cruzto Dec. 2. The Mexicans generally agree that the last great struggle will soon take place at San Lvj,is Potosi. Yucatán proclains for theOonstitutioB of 1842. Almonte ifi th most papular