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NEW GOOBS! ' Chcap for Cash!! Tilt) Stilisoribers beg lerivc 10 ioform their olJ ciisiunicrs, and ihfl public sner.iily. ihat ihcy are now rcceivingii largo and eplf'ndii ssortnicnl ol Eagllsh, Amnican mul IVoSl India, GOODS, Crockèry, Shclf Hardwarr, Paints, Oih, Dycslvffs, Drugs and Medicines. Aleo a general nssortnirnt of I RON. suitoble for Ironing Waguons and Buggiea, NaiLBous, Horsc Shoes. and [Jorsc Nails. Slnct Irun, Tin Waro and Tin {Plato- aleo a general, aisortmcnt ol BÓOTS $ SHOES, rluck uncí ihin sale work, and cusioiti work to suit purchnsers. All of which thi:y will Bell pl hè lowcat pnssible terms for Cash or Bai.tkk. Feolíng coníident as wc do, that we rnn mako it for the interest of all thoso wishiñg to purcliasc any of the nbove mentioned Goods. we do most cnrncstly solicit at least an invesiigition ofour Goods un '1 prices before purchnsinc clsc wheie. J.VMES GIBSON & CO. JVo. S. Exthunge JSlock. Ann Arbor, Town, Scpt. 14, 1846. 262 -tí CLOCKS AND WATCIIES! E?sci rriíIE Subscriberhoa jupt SÍSV - v X received, (nnd is cotíjf%. lL03tnntIy réceiyhig) froin jp KT New York an elegant ar.d ' míSí wc" selccteil aesortment Jewclry, Clocks, Watches, Slc &.c. which lio iutends to bcll as loto as at any other establishment tliia eiJc ol Jïufl'alo tor readij yay only among which may be found ihefollow ing: n good assortnicnt o Gold Finger Rings. Gold Breast pirrs;Writlcts Gaard Chai.nsand Keys. Süver Spoons, Germán Silvcr Tea and Tablc Spoons (first qunlity.) Silver andíerman do Su.gar Tongs, Silver SaltjMuelaidand Creani Bpoor.s. Bulter Knívcp, Goldriml Silver l'cncil Cases, Gold Peur, " l' Pencile, Silver and Germán Silver Thimblcs. Silver Spectaclcs, Gcrrnari and Stccldo. Gogglee, Clothed, Unir and Tooth Hruuhcs, Lathci Iirushcñj Razorsand Pocket Knivcs, Fine Shcars and Scissors. Knivcs and Forke, BrittanniaTca Pote and Cíistors, Plntcd, Brass, aii-1 Briitania Candícsiidia, Sriüflow &, Tiaye, Sbuving boxcsnnd Soaps, Clmpman'e BcBt Ruor Strop, Calfand RIoroccft Wullets, Silk and Cotton purse?. 'iolns and Üows. Viulin and Baee Viol Sirins, Flutcu, Files, (.larionets, Accordeons - Mwác líooka for thc Eamc, Motto Scnls. Siecl Pens and Twoezcre. Pcn cases;. Snuft' and Tqlmcco boxea, Ivory Dressing Cornos, Side and Ji-ick iintl íock et Combi?, iNccdlc caeos. Stclctioca, Water Paints and Bus!k?, Tov VVatciic?, a greai vnriety of Dolls. in Éihott Sm reatcst varicty oí toys ever Ijrougbt -o ihis markclj'Fniicy work üoxes, chüdren a icnpciis. Cologne lïair OiU. Pincllírtg . Court Elasíer, Tea Bella. Thermometers. Gcrtiiíin Pipa?, Wood rcncils, IJR-AtíS AND VVÜOD CLOCKB, cVf. in fact olmost everjthing to please thc faney. LadicKund Gcntlc meu, cnll and examine for yourse! ■■?.. Cioeks. Watches and Jcwclry repairc-d and warrnnted on short noiicc. Shop at his oíd stand, opp.xátc 11. Becker'e brick Store, in fbe Store occup:ed by M. Whceler. 1 CALVI.N BtiSS. N. B.- Cash paid for old Gold fc tíilvcr. Ann Albor, July lst, 184Ö. 271-ly tÍrb! risissr! FJ. 0. GRANE would rrppectfully nonfy thc ciiizens of Ann Arbor, nnd thc surrounding couniry, that bc continue tu act as Agent of thcH-VRTFORD FIUE INSURANCE COMPANY, and will usure Tropeity ngninsl Iosbcs ly Firo. atltielowest ratcs, and with despatch and aecuracy. The Hartford Insurnncc Company is onc of thc olíícst and most Btablc; in the country, and all Iossc8sustaincd by them will Uo - as thcy ever have been- pkompti.y paid! Fire is ; dangerous clement and not to be trifled wj:h: -.horeíorc. inakeup your mind to gunrri agninst. it nnd don't djelay ! A ícw hours delay may be your ruin. Mr. Ckane's OÍTice is ín Cranc's new Block.. corner of the PuMic Square, Ann Arbor. 280tf TEETÜ! TEETHf TEETHHJ MASTICATION and Articuktion, warráied by their leng propcrly rpplaced. s. d. BirareETT, ynlj continue the practice of ÜEN'I'ISTRY in all its various branchre, viz : íx-ülmg. FillinK, and Insertineon goW pintes or pivets. frjm one to. an entire sett. Old piales or misfitfl rmolled. nnd made cqual to ncw. OFFICE over C. B. Thompeon & Co.'e Shoe j Store, llamee who request it, can bc wqjteil on at their dwcllings. N. B Charges unusually lew, and all kinds of PRODUCE taken. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 5, Ift-Jf?. 293- ti CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES and Seperators are made and sold by thesubscribers.ot th;ír jlachine Shop, ncar the Paper Mili, LowcrTuwa, Ann Arbor, KxVAPP A HAV1LAND, Jan. 19. 146. 21T f