Classified Ads
THE Gein of Science, The advtcute of Scienca and Rciörnf, davoted ti Fhreuology. Physiolugy, .MMfnensm. and collnteral Sciences, wiili u Lodies' nijd MisceJInneous Department. Publfeh'eii S.mi Moriihly. E.H. SANFORD, EDITOR. SECOXD VOLUME. The present fmilitics lor publishmg. and ilieincreasing demand for iufurinnlion on the abóvc principies, hnve induced nn ENLARGEMENT OF THE GEM. ond conscqnently the publication of one Volume in tico, Quarlo Form and on NEW TYPE, for preservatioü and binding, wiih nn index and title-puge ni the close ol the Volume, iii six months from tbe loih of December, JtÃ-lü. CONTENTS. The contents of the Gein oro probobiy more intsresting to iho true lovwr o! Science, und w the devoied Student of N-Uiirc, ihaa thuse of any amular pnpcr in the Unilud States. In short, the mor il tone of iis contenÃ?, and il? exposïtión of " Home Tkuths." whicli wjll bo plactii WITHIN THE REACH OP ÃVKRY FA.M II. Y, wil: rentier it doubly intcitsling and piof.table. TERMS. The Gkm of Sciknck is ?úMaÃied at FIFTY CENTS forsix monihs. or ONE DOLLAR n year in ndranct. A iiheral discount will lic made to Clubs and Agn:s Perrons dosiring to subscribe, have only to enclose the umount in a letter, directed to SANFORD & BROTHF.RS, Publishers of the Gem of Scioncc, Ann Ar bor, Michigan. LJ" Editors who will givo this Prospectus one, two, or threo insenions, shall rnve ibeii favors duly reemrocated. 294-12w Temp cv anee MÃo us e ! 1847. 1847. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT. MICII. DANIEL. BARK E Y, living taken this well known Stand, anti ihoe oughly repnired it throuchout, is now txtensive y prepared to ncconi modale kis friends and lh Travelling Public wiih all Mióse conveniemi..calculatcd to tnake ihc-m coinfortable, and witli prices to suit the tiries ! Meals, fS5 CeMfs. Ãasiern and Southern Stage tyjficc kepl at this House. U f Omnilus'and Büggage Wagon alwnys on and to convey Passengers to and l'ro.n tlie House free of charge. Ãü-Om JUSTARRIIED BY EXPRESS. THE Mozart Collection of Sacred Muaic, b;. E. Ives Jun - contninins tlic celebrateil Chris'iUsand Miserere by Zingarclli wiih Eng lisli h orda. Teachers of Music will piense cali nnd examine tbe worli at Pinnv's Bookstore. October 7, 1846. 286-tf WiTl. S. BKOWK, Attomcy Sf Counselor at L aw, ANN ARBOR, MICH. OFFICE with E. Mu.vrï, Ee. 297-1 y ATTENTION THE WORLD!! Free Trade and Tailors Rights. THE citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity, of WashtenawCoumy and Counties adjoining. are informed thnt now is the time to nt oomfortably CLOTHEà and FIXED UP for a cold Winter. The very bost kind of Cloths and can be bou'ght cheap in Ann Arbor.Lower Tóiyn, and there isa TAILOR opposite G. fc L. Beckley's Store, who can't be outdone any vvhere in these paris, He is prepared to do work in the most Fashionable Style, orfoilow the directions of his customera, and being poiiessed of a lare sliare o! the Milk of II urna i Kindness, his lertnsare establishcd on the principie of "LIVE AND LET LJVE." He has a peculiar trait in his character which ahould be noticed, it is stranse. vet true a? strange, - He tcitl not Vioïatt, hui Promia-..- Cuetomers can hnve their gannents at t!ie time specificd. FARMERS cm be cemin of eood fittinand easy setting GJRMENTS, und are informed that all kinds of PRODUCE (excepi cabbage) will be taken in exchange lor lus services. He cuts to order, and hts garnients are flurc to fit if properly made up. i BpRAtÃT Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Dec. ó. 18J6. LINSEED OIL! ! THE Subscriber is manufacturing Linseed Oil on an exiensive scalo and he is able to S{1PP[MERCHANTX AMD PAINTERS. on tenns more fav-irnMc for them than have ever belore been otfered In this country, and he i# prepare! to supjily orders for large or small quantitics nt prices txlrtmtbj Low. ET Communications by mail vill be prompt lyattendedto. D. L. LATOÃRETTE. Long Lakc, Genesec Co. Mich. 283-ly IN ATTACHMENT. Before E. Thomson, Juanee of the Peace. James Gibson, and Elnathan Botsford, vs. James Mulholland. State of Michigan, ? 63 County of Washtenaw. S NOTICE is hcreby given that an attachment aainst the goods, chattels, rights, er' ' moneys. and efTects of the above named deicnuant Jnmes Mulholland. an abscondmg debtor, has been taken out Irom before E. Thomson Esq , Justice of the Peacc of the snid Couniy of Washtenaw, at the suit of Jatnea Gibson, and Elnathan Botsford. Plaintifij. above named ; and thaithe snid Defendant not appearmg on the return day thereof, the cause ia continued for tria till the 6th dny of March. 1847, at one o clock in the afternoon. at the office of said Jusnce, in the villogc ol Ann Arbor, in snid County. jAMts Gibson, l Piainliffs. El.KATIIAS BoTsrOHD. S Ann Arbor, Pee. 5, 1343. 294-6 WATED, at Ferry's Bookslore, 5 Tons clean Cotton and Linen Rags. 1 Ton Berswax. and 3500 Dollars in cash. for the larsest a33frt ment of Books and Stationery ever ofTered in line Village, and at his usul low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper V.llagc, Oct. 7, lr.THE LIBERTY MINSTREL ONE HÃNDRED COPIES of the fifth eai tion of this highly popular work are for sne at the Sienal ofTice at 50 cents single, or 4,.j() per dozen. Terms Cnsh. Now is the time for Liheriy clmirs t.i gnnplv tliemsclves. INFORMATION WANTED OF ZACIT ÃIURRELL- hearrived at New York about sixieen years aro with Mnrk Moulton. James Brand, Geo. Deal. Thomas Flower, Richard Loveney, and others. If nny of tho above men should see ibis adyertisement. thy would greatly obiigc the suSscriber by send ing bim any information concerning the above man, who will hear of something to his advan tnge by applying to Mr. L. Lambert, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ET Any Newspaper will confer a prent favor by copying this. 293-3.V TAKE 1S0TICE! THAT the late firni of R. Davidson. lns this dny disposed f his ennre stock of Goods, and wishing to close up ihe unsetllcd accounts ot R. Davidson, and of R. & J. L. Davidson, would request all indcbteW to the same to cali and eettle iithout delay and save eest. ArmArl, Dec. U'; 1846. 205-vfI TAN NE Ãl !Ãplf?Ã.-:: L.EATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDRKT & .O., No. 123, JcfÃerson Avenue, "Eldred's Block," Detroit, this .'-Ãurltinity to nform their customers, and the public generally, lliat tliey still continue to keep on hand a full assortment of Spnnish S-le Leailier, I Also. Lnsts nnd Pess, Curriers' Tools, &c. Slaii!i:ercd do Horsc and Collar Leruher, Hetulock lanncd Uppcr Lenther, Cordcvan do Onk ! 4' -; Morocco Skins, French tanned C:ilf Skins. Senl do Oak nnd Ilemlot1!; tanned do Goal Bindinjr, Hemlock tanned Harnessand Bridle Leaiher, Doer uni Lnnib do Oak " Whileimd Colored Linings, Bag nnd Top Lcnilier, Primea do Skini?. Philadelpliia and.Oliio; Slioe TrimRusset do ililng'i and Kit of all kinds. As the Subscribers are now manuTnrUning their own Lcalher, they are prepared to sell ns low asean be purchased in tliia market. Merchants and manufacturers will find it to their advantagé to cali and examine our stock hefore purcliasing eÃsewhere. CfCash and Leaiher exchanged for Ilidcs ancSkins. ELDRED &CO. Detroit, Jan. 1846. 248-ly
The Gem Of Science Publication
Steamboat Hotel
Public Notice
Perry's Bookstore
Eldred & Co
James Gibson & Co
Hartford Fire Insurance Company
Knapp & Haviland
Ann Arbor Marble Yard
Hardware Store
Boots & Shoes
Stevens & Zugg
Old News
Signal of Liberty
E. H. Sanford
Daniel Barney
William S. Brown
J. Sprague
D. L. La Tourette
Calvin Bliss
F. J. B. Crane
S. D. Burnett
Sabin Felch
R. Marvin
J. M. Rockwell