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NEWGOOBS! :í Chcap for Cash!! THE Subseribers beg leavc to inform iheir oíd custoiners. ar.d the public fcsnerally. thnt ihcy are now recejying-a large and splnilid issnnmcnt of English, American and West India. GOODS, Crockery, Shclf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, Drugs and Medicines. Also a general nssortment of IROíí. snilable for íroning Wasjons and Buggies, N.iilRoüs. Hoise Shoes. and Horse Nails, Shcci Iron, Tin Warc nnd Tin Piale - aleo a general assortment of BOOTS SHOES, thck and tliin sale wurk, nnd custom work to i íint purchr.sers. All of which they will sell on ] :he !nwest posstble terms for Cash or Baktf.r. Feeling contident as ve do, that ve can uiake it for ihe interest of all tbose Wshrng lo purchase any of ihe above mentioned Goods, we do most enrnestly solicit atjeast nn invesiigntion ifour Gooda and prices bcFore purctiasTng clsewhere. JAMES GIBSON & CO. JVo. 3. JExclimtge ISlork. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Sept. 14, 1846. 2H2-tf CLOCKS AND WATCHESff r Jr3c2 rpiIE Suliscriiicrhas just ■'--,. v received. (and is conv V SLj3slnnl'y receiving) fropí ': vSL NTe%v York au elegant nr! ' t U# wc' scectet assortment , Jewclry, Clocks, Watches, icc. .c. wlucli honuends to scll as íotoasju auy ' otherestablislniient ihis side oí Bufíalo fur rcariij s iuy onbj amnng whicli may be found theioilow nv: a üDod assortment oí Gold Finger Rings. Gold lireaei pins.Wristlets v Guard Chnins and Keys. Silver Spoons. Germán Silvor Tea and T;ible Spoons (firsl qualiiy.) Silverand Germán do Sugar Tongs. Silver Sah.iVlustard and Cream ep.oorte, Butier Kníves, Gold and Silver l'eneil Cases, I Gh)ld Pns. ' lVncüs, Silver and Germán Silver Thimbles. i Silver Sppctacles. Germán and Steel do. i Goggles, Clotlies! Hair and Tootli Brushes, Lailier Urushes, Razors nml Pockei Kaives. Fine Shcars and Sc-isors. Knivca and Forks. Bfittannia Tea Pots and Cas'.ors. Plated, Brass, and Britinnia Candlesticks, Snufiers &. Trays, Shaving Imxesand Soaps, Clnpmati's B8t Ruzor Strop, Calfand Morocco Walleis. SiI'k and Cotton purses. Violins and [5,)ws, Violin and Bate Viol Strings, Flute?, Fifes. Clarionets. Accordeons - Music Books íor the same, iMotto ScaVs. Steel Pcns and Tweezers. Pen enses. Snuílnnd Tobacco Itoxes. [vory Dressing Conibs. Sido nnd Bnck and l'ocket Comb". Nendle cases. Steletioe?, WaterPnints and Bmshes, Toy Waiciies. a grcat varioty o!' Dolls. in short ;he grcaiest varieiy of toys evfr 'oronglu to tLis niarket, Fany work boxos. r.h'údren's tea setts. Cologne rjair Oils. Smclltnii Court Plnsier. 'i1, n Bells, Thermometers. Germán Pipes. SVÓ ri PctücíI, BIIA13S AND VVOOD CLüC in fact almost every thitï'j to picase i! o funcy. Lndics and Genilerhèn, c.l? íim; examtÁÍB for yourselves. 1 . ..i.;'ues and Jcwelry repaired atid warrnrneu on short no t f ce. Shop at his oíd stand, oppositp II. Becker'sbrick Store, n ihe Store occupied by M. Whetler. CALVIN BLISS. N. B - Cn?h paid for oíd Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July lst, 184G. í71-ly FIRB! FISlSSïï FJ. B. CHAÑÉ would nspeciful'y noiify the cilizens of Ann Arbor, and ihe surroundinír country, that ho continúes to act as Agen! of iho HERTFORD FÍRE INSURANCE COMPANY, and will insure Propcriy against 'osses by Fire. at Ihe owesr rales, and wiih despntch and aecnracy. Tlic Hartford Insurance Company is one of the oldest and most stable in ihe country, nnd ! all lossessustnincd by ihcm will - os they ever have been - pnoii"ir.Y rAin ! Fire is ú (irip'genous element and noi to be irifled wi:h: herelore. mnke up your mind to jjuarri bgnrnst. it n;ul uon't delav ! A íew hours delay may be your ruin. iMr. Cuank's OfTice is in Crane's new Block, . córner oï the Public Square, Ann Arbor. 2í?0-if TEETH! TEETH TEETHff MASTICATION and Articulation, warranted by their being propetly rpiaced. S. D. BÜRMETT, will continue the piaciice i)f DEN'l'JSTRY in a!l iis varioii8 branchts, viz : Scaling, Filling. and Insertinson goid platea or pivote, from one to an eniire sett. Oíd platos o r misíits remodled. nnd rnado cqual lo new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson &. Co.'s Shoc Store, Ladies'who request it, can 13 waited on , at their dwellings. N. B. Charees unusually low, nnd all kinds of PRODUCE íaken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. 2í):S- ti CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHIXG MACHINES and Seperators are made and sold by ihesubscri'iers.nt iheir Machine Shop, near the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. KNAPP & UAV1LAND, Jan. 19, 1846. 24T f â–