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The National Anti-slavery Paper

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There is probably not a single anti-slavory newspapor in the country, whose Bxistènce is not in peril at this timo, by the establishment of a National Anti-Slavery papor at Washington- glorious a3 that enterprise certainly is. It need not bo so, it ought not to be so, and it will not beso, if Abolitionistsconsider before they act. The Washington paper is already secured of a support for threeyeaas. We are pleased with the spirit ot an articlo from the able oditor of the Indiana Freeman, a man who has probably done and suffered moro in establish. ing nis paper, than any other anti-sla. very. ediior. Speaking of the new paper, he savs -The pnper will ful! unless it is upheld by n far sironger public sentiment in its favor than is necessqry to afTord it a pecuniary support. Seven ore ght thou. sand subscribers would probably be suf. ficientto support the paper, but ten times seven or eight thousaud active, out-spoken abolitionisís are needed to créate a public sentiment which would be strong on ough to deter the Slaveholders from destroying it. The necessary array of anti. slavery slrength cannot well be maiu. tained unless the antislavery paper now in existence are sustained. But that can név. er be done i f the patronage extended to the Naiional Era is withdrawn Irom them. It is the desire of those who are immediately interesled in the publica, tionof ihe Era that this should not he th6 case. Whatevfir is done íor it should bö in addition of what is alreadv done for olher papers. These remarles are occasioned by th expressions of Liborly men ihat they must withdraw their support from this or that anti-slavery paper for the purpose of that whieh is to be published at Washington. Ah, and how long will the Washington paperlive if this ie very general t Half the papers now published would fail in six mooths,and ifihey ahould, the Era would fail in loss thanöix monthj afierwards. Lel not these remarles be misunderstood. This is an auspicious time for the establishment of an anti-slavery paper at Washington, and it is very essential to the advancement of our cause that it should be done. But to render it effective other. papers should be even beticr supportcd than at present. They ore ils out-posts, and when thoy fail the