Classified Ads

NEW GÃÃBSf Gheap for Cash!! THE Saiiác-ribers beg leave 10 ïnform iheir o!d custoTners. aml ihe puMic fcsnernlly. ihat tliey are now receivinga largo ;ind splcndid nssortment ol Engliáli, American and West India, GOODS, Crockery, Shelf Hardware. Paints, Oils, Dycslujfs, Drugs and Medicines. Alao a general nssortment of JRON. suitnble for Jrqning Woggonsf and. Buggies. Ntil Rpd. HoÃbo Slioes. mul florse Nailt. Sheet I.-o. Tin Ware nnd Tin jPIute - aleo a general ajsoriment of gOOTS # SU O ES, th:ck and thin sale work, nnd custom work to vuit purclinsers. . All of whic-h ihey will teil on he !we=t pi)ss:b!e lernis for Cash or BaiÃter. Feelintr confident ns we do, that we con inalie it for the interest of all thoso wis)iiig to purcliase any of the above nicntioned Gooils, wc do most earnestly solicit at least au investiga ion of ouV Goods and pricos before purchnsinff elsewiieie. JAMES GIBSON & CO. Vó. 3. Excliange JBlock. Ana Arlor. Lower Tuwn, Sqt. 14, L86. CLOCKS AND WATCHESf ' 2qà rriÃIE Subscriberhas ju.Bt WSk. X N - rct:e'vct'; (-Tid is conJf% "JstaniIy receiying) from ffV $fi New York au elegant ard Wij ï "Mffi Wfc1;l selected assorlnicnt Jcwclry, Clocks, "Watches, V:c Sc. wluch lio intends to sell ns loto as nt any ther establishment this side ol CutÃalo for rcatly jai only among wlicli may be J'ound theiollow tifgi a oou assortment o.' Gold Finger Rings. Gold lJreast pins.Wristlets Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons. Germán Silver Tea and Table bpoons (first qualny, ) Silver ai.d Germán do Sugar Tongs; Silver Splt.Mustardand Cream spoonF. Butter Knives, Gold and Silver l'encil Cases, Guld lJens, 4i '" Tcncils, Silver and Germán Silver Thnnblos. Silver Spectacles, Germnn and Steel do. Goggles, Clothes. Uair and Tooth Bru&hes, Jalher Brushes. Rozors and Pocket Knives. Fine Shoars and Seiesors, Knivpsand Korks, BrittanniaTea Potsoñd Caetors. Pbieri, BrriÃe. and Brittanin Candlesticks. Snuflcra L Trays, ShaviiiÃc boxcsnnd So;ips. Cliapiuais Best Ra7.or Strop, Calfand Morocco Wallets. Silk and Cotton purses. Violins and Bows, Violin aud Eass Viol Stringpj FiutiF, Fifes. Clarionets, AccordtonF- iNiu&ic B00K5 for the same, Motto Se.ils. Stfel Pens and Tweczers, Pen cases, SnuÃFand Tobs.ccg boxes. Ivory Dressing Conibs. Side and BÃók am! Pocket Comba. Ne:d!e cases. Stelctioes, WaterPauus nnd Biuahc?, Toy Watciies. a arent variciy ol' Doils. n short tlie Ãrrcaiest variety of loys evrr brouuht to market, Fancy worU boxes. chüdren'8 tea setts. Cologne Unir Oils. Fniellin Salts, Couri Plasier, Tea Bells. Thermometers. Germán Pipes. Wood Pcncüs. BRASS AND VVOOD CLOCKS. in fact nJmos.t every thing to piense the fancy. Ladics and Gentle men, cali and examine lor yourselvee. CiockÃ?. Watches and Jewelry repaired anf! warranted on short notice. Shop ot his oÃd -stand, oppositc H. Becker't brick Store., in the StOrCOCCUpiOdbyW-WhCceALVrNBLISS. N. B.- Cash paid for oÃd Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July Ist, 1846. 27l-ly FÃK.E! rSRB-T-T F.T. B. CRANL would nspecifully notify the cii7.en8 of Ann Arbor, and thesurroundinf.' country, that Le contintics 10 acias Agent of thb IHRTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, and will insure Propeny asainst 'osses by Firc. at Uielowest ratcs, and with despatcli and aecuracy. The Hartford Insurance Company s onc of the oldest and most atable in the country, and all Iosse8 8iistained by then will be - as they ever have been - prompti.y paid! Fire is a dancerous element and nol to bc trïfled wi:h: sherelore. make up your .oiind to guard against, it and don't delay ! A few houri delay may be your ruin. Mr. Ckane's Office is in Cranc's ncw Block. corner ot the Public Square, Ann Arbor. 2-a0-tf TEETH! TEETH.'f TEETIIff MASTJCATION and Articulauon, worranted by their bcing propcrly replaced. S. D. BUBNETT, will continue the practico of DENTISTRY in all iis various branches, vjz : Scaling. fillm, and Insertingon goJd platea or pivote, from one to art entire sett. OÃd pintes or inisñts remodled. nnd made cqual to new. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'b Shoe Store, Ladies who request it, can be waited ou at their dwellinga. N. Charges uniisually low, and all kinds ofPRODUCE taken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. 293- it CLOVER MACHINES. THRASHING MACHINES and Seperators are made and sold by iheaubscriberB.ot their Machine Shop, ncar the Paper Mili, Lower Town, Ann Arbor. ENAPP & HAV1LAND, Jun. 19, 1840. 2V f 1