From The War

There are adv ices f rom Matamoros to I Ãie lst inst. Generáis Wool, Twiggs, r nd Quitman had joined Gen. Worlh at s Saltillo. Santa Anua has been elected President of L Mexico. ( Gen. Taylur liad returnet) to - erev. Com. Perry had taken undisputed posession of Laguna. ( The remains of Watson, Ridgely and other Ballimorcans, arrived at New , leans in the ' Alabama. ' Lieut. Boyle of Washington, died on the passage. Gen. Scott and statl' left tVo days previous in baste for Camargo. Going up , the rivor, they met a steamer wiih tbe mail bringing intelligeuce, that part ofthe corps uf observation belongingto Santa Anna's army, had been seen near Parras, when Gen. Wool's army was encnmped, and that Gen. Wool had joined Gen. Wor'.h at Saltillc, s Generáis Twiggs and Quitman, as per previous accounts. Gen. Patterson's división had Grosed the river atSan Fernando, five days previous, and will soon reach Victoria, its destination. Gen. Taylor, it was thought, would no doubt return home as soon as Scott took command. When Patterson reaches Victoria, all tho passes to San Luis will be shut up. Mr. Chase, former Unitfcd States Consul, has been appointed Collector of Cus. toms at Tam pico. The California regiment sent out from New York under Col. Stevenson, hasarrived at Rio Janeiro, The volunteers were in good health. A writer from Monterey says, Dec. 8th: "Capt. Holme5, of the Georgia volunteers, died nt camp on the 6th, and a lieutenant of the same regimenwis not e.pected to live. Unles the sickness abates in a short time. many n noble fellow will fall a victim to its ravages. Men who were proof agiinst the enemy's balls are, in many instances, forced to submit to the diseaÃes of the country. It may be thought strange that, in the month of December, in a country like Monterey, fevers should prevail ; but it is no mater of wonder to those who are familiar vith the climate, and are aware that thero s no time in which vegetation is not pringing up." A writei in the National Intelligoncer, vhoso intelligence and candor are vouched for by the editors of that paper, states hat he has " heard it said that of the wenty-four thousand troops which we have had for the last eight months on the lio Grande, eight thousand have died or )een disabled by disease and wounds, and have been sent home " ! The correctness of thig estÃmate is confirmed by the statements recenily made m the floor of Congress. Col. Baker ïas declared that of the volunteers who had gone to Mexico, two thousand had ound graves in the valley of the Rio Grande ; and it was mentioned a few days since in debate, that of the 17,000 volunteers in the service, five tiiousand and seventy-nine had been discharged and these principally from sickness ! We have at last the facts in relation to the massacre of the Americans in California. It is now stated, that on the 33d of Sept. the citizens of Los Angelos, and the vicinity, determined to throw off the rule of the Americans. They met accordingly, proclaimed lheir liberty, and placed Capt. Flores attheirhead. After some days of impending sirife, an action is said to have occurredon the26thand 27th of Sept. in ihe rancho oÃ' Chino, in the mmediate vicinity of Los Angelos, where the Americans are said to have been routed entirely, twenty-seven of them made prisoners and three wounded. One Mexican was killed but no Americans. The conquerors then laid siege to the city of Los Angelos, and on the 30th of September the town capitulated. The terms of the surrender were drawn U with as much deliberation as those of Monterey. Commissioners were ap polnted on both sides and a regular capil ulation made ; but the Mexicans com plained that all the gunsgiven up were spiked, and that the American vessel of the port sent lier boats ashore wiih a forec of 300 men, and kept permanent posses sion of the town ! In the three regimenis that lately lefl Matamoras for Tampico, there were on ly 1800 men - sickness and death having reduced them to one third of their orig inal strength. It appears from official statements tha the army in Mexico consists of 8,475 reg ulars and 16,500 volunteers. Genera Taylor has 18,332, Wool 2,660, Kearney 3,982. A strong addition of 8,000 is on the march. A correspondent of the New Orleans Delta, writing from Monterey, Dec. 10, mentions the following : " Mr. Lyons also told me that he saw 47 of our deserters in San Luis, in a most deplorable conditton. Santa Anna would have nothing to do with them, and had ordered them to his rear - to the province of Guadalaxara. Many of these men had been enticed away under the promise of commissions in the army and bounties. When in San Luis they were ragged, suflering from common wants, a nd dfistitute of every comfort ; theyerly repented their false and dishonora- Ie step in deserting the American stand rd, and would readily return, with auy aerifico" Letters from Santa Fe to Nov. I9ih lates that Col. Price"s regiment, will winer there. There was much siekness imong tho iroops, and about seven deaths iday. The Ex2res published a letter Trom 3en. Taylor, to a friend in this city, daed at Monterey, Nov. 9, giving some iccount of the siegeof Monterey, and his news of the war. He expresses him self decidedly opposed to carrying the war bevond Saltillo, in that direction, and wys if it is necessary 10 take the capita!, in order to bring Mexico to terms, it can best be done by tnking Vera Cruz first, ind marching thence to Mexico. Any other mode he thinks out of the question. His mode of conquering a peace, is oxpressed in the following par. ngraph. " It seems to me that the most judicious course to be pursued on our part, would be to take possession at once of the line wc would accept, by negotiation, extend. ing from the Gu:f of Mexico to the Pacific, and occupy tho same or keep what we already have possession of. And that, with Tampico, will give us all on this side of the Sierre Madre, and as soon as I occupy Saltillo, will include 6or7 statos or provinces ; thus holding Tampi. co, Victoria, Monterey, Saltillo, Monolovia, Chihuahua, ('which I presume Gen. VVoo! has possession of by ihis time,) Santa Fe and the Californios, and say to Mexico, "Drive us from the country!" - throwingon her the responsibility and expense of carrying on offensivc war. - At the same time, closely blockading all the ports on the Pacific and the Gulf. - A couVse of th;s kind, if persevered in for a short time, would soon bring her to lier proper senses, and compel her to sue for peace, providcd there is a government in the country suÃücently stable to treat with - which I fear will hardly be the sase for many years to come. " Without large re info roemen ts of Voljnteers from the U. States - say 10,000 o 15,000, those previously sent out havng already been greatly reduced by sick. iess and other cnswaliies, I do not believe t will be advisable to mnrcli beyond Salillo, which is more than 200 miles betond our depots on the Rio Grande- a sery long line on which to keep up supilies, over a land route, in a country ike this, for a large force.and certain to je attended with an expense which would je frightful contémplate when closely ooked into."
Mexico-American War
Troop Movement
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John Ellis Wool
David E. Twiggs
John A
John A. Quitman
William J. Worth
Lopez De Santa Anna
Zachary Taylor
Matthew C. Perry
Winfield Scott
Robert Patterson
Franklin Chase
Jonathan Drake Stevenson
Isaac Holmes
Edward Dickinson Baker
Sterling Price
Saltillo Mexico