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From The War

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iho Mexican.war, when it was fir (j entered upon, was to be a sort of fanc e work for those engaged in it, and yet w _ seo itslated that the loss of ]fe in th lt Mexican war, already exceeds that of th f last war with England. And the end i j. not yet ! ,. A lotter writer from New York says d " The New York regiment of volun .. teers hns gone to Mexico and iis doom, i Of all the miserable apologies for r?gi f menls that have been sent in thnt direc if lion, ihis is truly the toost miserable.- . Take ihese men together, they are the f dirtest, lousiest set of drunken vagabonds t that could be rnked from the moral sinks . and sewers of this metropolis. For a f few days previous lo their depurture, the . couris had some fine sport in the wny of i releasing in fants en habcas corpus writs, and ihe b'hoysdid the amiable to lant (in prospeclive) oificers presenting swords, pistols, chompaigne. &c. The real pain it is presumed will come soon enough after they get to Mexico. A correspondent of the Journal of Commerce writes from Comargo, Dec, G : "I amin hopesthat the war will terminale by Spring. We have had beautiful weather for the last two months, yet the Army has done nothing. The yellow fever begins at Tampi co about March, and it is at Vera Cruz pretty much all the yeor round. IfSan Luisde Potosí is to beattacked we want more force. What are all the Volunteeri, about at the North 1 I do not sce the policy of wasting life by sending three thousand men against thiriy thusand. Because we have officers and a linie army of Spartans, I see no reason why they should be sacrificed. The only way to end the war is to send an overpowering force - men enough to enable us to díctate terms xoithoul the firing of a gun. As it is, it would bo madness for the army to attack Potosi. It is n furtress of almost impregnadle strength and so dogged are its defenders that they lnve melted up the bells of their churches for the purpose of casting them into ennnon." Mr. Burt, M. C. from South Carolina stttted in Congresson the 9th insi., tha on the lstof Sept, the number of volun leers under the command of Gen. Taylor had been 23,161 ; on the 21st of Novem ber, the number unfit for service, amount ed to 6,661, being more than one fourt! and nearly one t!,ird of the entire force, and that these volunteers had cost ihe Government no less than $800,000.- Mr Geniry,speakmg ofthese volunteers, saiti - " He had himselfseen somc of the ofiicers and men who had been discharged. and of all the emaciated walking skeJetons he had ever beheld, these surpassed. They had been discharged because they were utterly incompetent for duty. A enmpaign on the Rio Grande hnd rendered them thus incompetent, and their discharge, under ihese circumstances, had been but an act ofgood sense and of humanity. Had not General Taylor discharged them when he did, denth would very soon hnve done il for him. The fault was not in Taylor for dscharging men who could not fight or march, but of the President, in sending them whcre they oughl never to have gone." A correspondent of the New Orleans Delia writes from Monterey: " Gen. Worth has issued an order in Saltillo, that allofficers and soldiers under his command must appear at the next dress parade without whiskers. Many a face that has not come in contact with a razor for months, must now come to the scratch. The barbéis of Saltillo no doubt think it a very judicious order. Capí. Blanchard being a volunteer, and chcrami of Worth, was at fust .'excused from the general shearing, but was like to raise a mutiny, and wiih tears in his eyes, sat down to the operation." A writer from Matamoras, January, 1, soys : 'Everyday shows, more and more, the necessity ofextendingsome laws over the Mexican territory in our possession, for the whole country isoverrun with robbers and murderers ; and in some of the small towns and haciendas, the men are organizing their forces to assist Santa Anna should he ever come this side of the mountains. Nobody is safe in this country, unless there is something like law, to govern, not only the Mexicans, but every bodv else." The Monterey paper of September 12, gives the following account of the murder commiited by a party of Mexicans, under one Padilla, on two young men, Mr. Cowrie and Mr. Fowler - "The party, after keeping the prisoners a day or two, tied them lo trees, then stoned them ; one oí ihem had his jaw broken - a ribtn (rope) was tied to the broken bone and ihe jaw dragged out ; ihey were then cul up, a small piece at a time, and the pieces thrown at them, or crammed down their thronts. and they were cveniually despalched by cutting out their bowels." A party of Americnns, in revenge, killed ten or twelve Mexicans. The following is an extract of a letter from L. D. Nash toC. F. Holly, Esq., of Savannh. It will be found interesting to our readers, Santa Fe, Nov. 12, 1846. There is a rumor in the city lo-day, that the Spaaiards have poisoned :he flour and meal used by the army, which js sajd to be the cause of so manydeaths. The poison consists of some vegO table substance, with not enough strengtl in it to produce instant death but jus enough to derange ihe digestive orgnns and prevent medicine from operating or he system. If iho rumor sliould prove true, t will be difllcultto prevent act of violence. If irue, the wretches mus die. Sometliing strange must bo the matter tbr the mortali.'y of the voluiveers h ncreasing at on alarming rale. We arf dying off at the rate of 180 per monih ! 1 L. D. NASH. A slip froin the N. O. Picayune, ol ihe 19th at 12 o'clock, furnishes Vera Cruz advices to 31st December with items from Mexico, similar to the news alreadv received by the steamer Mississippi. Comez Farias was sworn into office on the 24th and assumed the funciions of Chief Executive in the absence of Santa Anna. He delivered a short address, and pledged himself to prosecute the war witli valor and constancy, till the Mexican terri. tory was evacuated. The election of President was expressly declared to be ad interim. Canuco was appointed Minister of War; Zubieta, Minister of Finance; Ramirez, Minisier of Foreign Aftuirs. The troops at Vera Cruz were very sadly straightened for supplies. Lizardo is again appoinied agent of the Foreign Department, Loperena isauthorized tonegotiate a loan of $20,000,000 in London. The entire army was in great straits for want of provisions. No confirmation ofthebattle near Victoria. Mr. Gilí, late a prisoner at San Luis Potosí, who has returned to Matamora?, staies the number of troops at San Luis, at ihe time of his departure, at 27,000, and 10,000 in the vicinity. Those troops, he says, were under constant drill, and many foreign officers were seid to be engaged in the service. The Nationnl Intelligencer says, that a prominent cause of the high rates of freights to foreign ports is found in the fact ofihe employment of a large number of troops and munitions for the war with Mexico. The following paragraphs, coming to us from opposite points, will Ilústrate the matter : The Government has cimrtered the sliip Remitttance, (late of Portland,) of Brooklyn, (N. Y.) a splendid ship of abuut 000 tons, at 3,000 per month for three months ; and ship Hamburgh, of about 300 tons, at $1,600 per monih; barque Baring Brothers, 290 tons, at $1,600 por month. lt is supposed that these ships will carry all the troops that will be raised here. - Boston Atlas. We learn thal the following ships have recently been chartered by Government to transport troops and stores to Mexico, viz : Ondiaka, Alhambra, Russell Glover' Sharon, Slatesman, Archelaus, MedfordJ Oregon, and Oxnard. They are all iirst class vcssels - among the finest in port. N. O. Picayune. The Mobile Tribune has a letter dated on board the steam-frigate Princeton, on the 20th ultimo, of which the following is an extract : " The Mexicans have at last performed one feat to challenge surprise and praise. They have cut out and burnt our prizé schooner " Confederatione." ashore on Green Island. On the nightof the 18th a party approached the schooner in boats, and, astherewas nobody on board t o resist,tl ey fired her &escaped bnek to Vera Cruz without loss. The John Adams was nnchored at the time about one and a halfor two miles distant, and the first lotice received of the hostile attempt was the blaze of the burning vessel." New Orleans papers received this afternoon, states that :he Mexican Congress ïas voted, by a decided majority, not o receive our proposition for peace, till our troops are withdrawn. Colonel Burnetf, with five companies of his volunteer regiment, sailed from N. York on Wednesday, for Tampico, in the mrque Jubilee and brig Empire, leaving )?hind them but one company- that of Captain Count de Bongars- which will ollow in a few days, with Lieut. Col. ! Baxter, in the b;,rque Monlezuma. The two vessels which left on WednesJny, took out an enorrnous quantity of . powder, bal!, small arms, re, muskets and pieces of large calibre, some wo pounders. A company of Howitzers and Rocket i men, recently organized, also saüed on I Wednesday for Tampico, in the ship Í Tameroo, taking with them a supply of powerful missiles, including bombs and hells. Another vessel,the brig Emdinc, j ailed on Thursday morning. i The BufFalo Courier says, n letter ' 3ated Saltillo, Dec. 20, says: "a mail t rrom this place, conlaiuing important doe jments of the future movements of the ( Mexican army, and plans for the re-capj ure of this place, was captured on its í vay to San Luis, by a scouting party of ragoons a few days since. ] " A large body of lancera are known c o be scouring the country between here ( nd San Luisnd not far from us at that, 1 nd they are almost known to be the dvance guard of the main army of the c merny. t " Oí the varions accounts of the troops, c t the disposal of Santa Anna at San a Luis, none fall short of 32,000 men. r"A portion of our forces, probably i Gen. Wool'scomnmnd, is to lake immct diate possession of the Linares pass, which , is about 30 miles from here. i Gen. Worth, who has been sick for ! the last two weeks, is outagain to-day." Latest l'roiti Mexico. We condense the following particulars from the Free Press of ycsterday. i Gen. Quitman, driving the Mexicans before him fur 30 or 40 miles, entered Victoria on the 9th of January. Col. Kinney brought new-j to Tampico that 15,000 Mexicans were to attaek Saltillo onthe27th uit. h is said Jhat Santa Anna had placed himself with 35,000 men bet ween Taylor and Worth, and a general action was immpdiately expected. Cnpt. May was attacked in n mountain passleading to Linares, nd escaped with the loss or liis rear guard, which was captu red.