United States Senator
0ov. Felch was elected U. S. Senator, frem this State for six years from the 4th of March nexi,whèn Judge Woodbridge's term will expire. The Democratie members of the Legislature held a caucus on Monday evening, to nomÃnate a candidate for U. S. Senator. Aftera severe contest, in which Ex Lieut. Gov. Richardsou, Judge Rnnsom of Kalamazoo, and Gov. Felch received nearly an equil number of votes, Richardson's name was dropped, and on the 28th ballot Gov. Felch wus nominhted by a majority of 17 over Judge Ransom. The Whigs, in the Legislature, supported Judge Woodbridge, the present incumbent. {L? In another column will be found an extract of a letter from Elihu Burritt, he "Learned Blacksmith," respecting the market for western grain in Europe. As Mr. B. is making extensive inquines on this subject, and is a practical man, his conclusions are quite as likely to be sound as those made by flippant newspaper writers. If correct, they are of momentous importance to the whole country, and especially to the West. tt?" The Union now consista of twentynine States. The origina! thirteen.six new free, nnd four new slave States, formed out of the original territory of the United States ; one new free and four new slave States, formed out of territory acquired by treaty since the adoption of the constitution, and one foreign slave State admitted into the Union by a joint resolution of Congress, making in all, fourteen free and fifteen slaue Siates." 0?"The Ohio House of Representaties have passed resolutions, 43 to 12, instructing the Senators and Representatives from that state to vote for the exclusión of slavery from the territory of Oregon, and also from any other territory that now is, or may hereafter be, annexcd to the U. States. Ã?3 Resolutions against the admission of any more slave territory, have passed both branches of the Pennsylvauia legislaturr. ÃC?5 The Garrick will be got oÃT without much damnge. Over 100 paupers brought over by the Garrick, landcd in New York. They stated that they had eaten nothing for 48 hours, and had not the smallest meaná of procuring even n loat of bread. They were conveyed in n body to the station house, and food provided for them. Bvffalo Courier. CC?" Pierre Soule, (democrat,) has been elected U. S. Senator from Louisiana in place of Alexander Barrow, (whig) deceased. James M. Mason (democrat) ha been elected U. S. Senator from Virginia in the place of Isaac Pennybackcr, (whig) deceased. ft? The fust white man born west of Lhe Allegany Mountains, is John J. Crittenden, U. S. Senator from Kentucky.