Senate. - Mr. Dickinson submitted the following to the Senate, on the 14th. - No action was taken on them: Resolved, That the true policy required by the government of the Uniled Slates to sircnghthen i(s poïitical and commercial relations upon ihis continent, is the annexation of such contiguous territory as may conduce to that end, and can bejustly obtained, and that nehher in such ncquisitïon, nor in the territorial organization thereof, can any condition be conslitutionally imposed,or institutions be provided for or established, inconsistent with the rights of the peoplê thereof, as a free sovereign state, with the powers and privileges of original members of the confederacy. Resolved, That in organizing n territorial government in territory belonging lo the United Stales, the principies of self-government, upon which our federal syslem rests, will be best promoted, the true spirit and meaning of the constitution be nreserved, and the confederacy strengthened by leaving all questions concerning tho Domestic policy to the Legislature, chosen by the people thereof. Dec. 15th- 12 M. Senate. - Mr. Calhoun oflered the Collowing resolutiöns: Resolved, That to conquer Mexico, and hold it. either ás a province, or incorpórate it in our Union, would be inconsistent with thé avowed object for which war has been pros'iculed - a departure from the settled policy of the Government,in conflict with its character and genius, and, in the end, subversive of ourown free popular institutions. Resolved, That no line of policv should I be adopted in the further prosecution of the war,which would lead to consequences so disast rous. Laid on the table. House. - Debating the organization of the Com. of Flome Commerce. President Polk sent in a message giving his rcasons for vetoing tl?e Harbor Bill at the last session. Mr. Holmes, of S. C , offered resolutiöns declaring that the right lo construct roads throug'i Mexico (to the Pacific) should be reserved in the ireaty ceding the conqiiered territory. IIoitsr, Dec. 17. Mr Botts ogain presented his rcsolution for replacing ihe Southern mail on the Fndericksburgh and Richmond Railroad. Mr.Pettit uf iaanitnadverted upon the L'nion's remarks concerning his speech of yesterday . MÃ. K. MéaJo, of' Va.-, aïinounced the dealh of the late Geo. C. Dromgoole, and pronounced a glowing eulogy upon his character, and many virtues. The usual resolutions were adopted and the House adjourned. Dec. 20. Mr. Dix presei.ted a rnernora! from the ofïïcers at Puebla, hended by Generáis Scott, VVorth _ and olhers, praying fur ihe establishing of a retired list of the armv ; and provisions for widows and orphans ; and he aceonijianied the memoral with appropriate remarks. Mr. Hannegan presented Resolutions for the establishment of a Territoral Government in Oregon. Mr. Calhoun's Resolutions came up in orderj when he moved to postpone them tili tho first Tuesday in January. Mr.Allen wihed to know whether Mr. Calhoun iniended to go ngainst the acquisition of all territory. Mr. Calhoun replied that it was nol his intention to involve any other question thanhat contained in his resolutions The question of thfi conquest of Mexico, is the real one before the country, and that he should discuss A debate ensued upon the motion to postpone. It was adopted. Mr. Holmes, of S.C. ofTered a resolution in the House to cali on the States to return their portions of the old surplus revenue, of thirty millions, before making any more loans. Dec. 21. In the House, Mr. Vinton from the committee on Ways and Means, reported a bilà masing appropriations to supply n part a deficieney in the means for subsistence for volunteers, for the year ending June, 1848. Mr. Thompson, of Indiana, proposed negotiating for Upper California and New Mexico and the Bay of San Francisco, and making out a boundary suitable lo the views of the United States. Mr. Toombs, of Georgia, spoke against all territorial acquisitions - all conquests of any pootion of Mexico, and said the movements of the American army, directed by the President oroduced the war. A bilà was introduccd by Mr. R. Smith, of 111., for the completion of the Cuinberland Road Ãhrough Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. Dec. 22Senate. - A petition from Mrs. Eliznbeth Hamüton was presented, praying Congress to pinchase 1000 copies of the Hamilton Popers. Mr. Hale presented two anli-slavery petitions, and made strenuous eflbrts to induce the Senate to depart from its setlled practice of not receiveing petitions. of that import. The questton of non-reception being puf, Mr. Berrien moved to lay t h at question on the tahle, which vvas c'ecided in the aÃlimiativs. Ayes 33 -Noes 10. The bill fo nmend the acls regulatmg appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in certain cases, passed. Mr. Cass reported a bill to raise for a limited time an additional military force. A resolution was adopted directing an inquiryas to whetherany alterations are needed in the Patent Laws. The Senate t'ifnwnt into ejecutivo sesnon ai d i then adjourned. House. - A resolution was adopteJ aulhorizing tho Speaker to appoint a Joint Committee on printing on the part of tho House. Mr. Lincoln, of Illinois, oÃlered a resolution relativé to the 'severnl messages ofihe President on the Mexican war, and requesting of hirrt inlbrmation on numerous poinis touchirig the causes of the war, and the right of the United States to territory between the Nueces and the Rio Grande. Mr. McClelland presented n resolution calling for statistics of the commerce of the western lakes. Dec. 22, 8 A.M. Senate. - The bill introduced by Mr. Dix of New York, for the repeal of the Pilot law was referred to cornmittees. House. - Mr. Giddings presented a petition for the abolition of slavery in the District of Colutnbia, which was laid on the table. The veas and nays being cal[ led, the Speaker voled in the negativo. - Mr. Richardson's resolutions were laid over. Mr.Pettis' improvement resolution passedi Washington, Dec. 24, 12 o'clock M. The resolution on the subject of interna] improvement, introduced by Mr. Pettitj of Indiana, in the House of Representative?, have bsen adopted.
United States Congress
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Daniel S. Dickinson
John C. Calhoun
James K. Polk
Isaac E. Holmes
John Minor Botts
John Pettit
Richard K. Meade
George C. Dromgoole
John A. Dix
Winfield Scott
William J. Worth
Edward A. Hannegan
William Allen
Samuel F. Vinton
Richard W. Thompson
Robert Toombs
Robert Smith
Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton
John P. Hale
John M. Berrien
Lewis Cass
Abraham Lincoln
Robert McClelland
Joshua Reed Giddings
Alexander Hamilton