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Pay as you Go. - Wn are rpicp.d to finrls'i obly condufied nnd nflupniial ii paper as the New York Tribune, laking Ihe round ihat tUp Qrovernment should pny ils " glovy bilis" as t go'-s along.- Wp nevpr exppctPc! to live to sen" the day wliPti Hnrnr-p Grpëley would nome out "fl-it foote.f!" f r dirrct laxntion. Vo copy fromthe Tribune of December 9.- Christian Ciiizen. "For nur pnrt. we hope Conerpss, fit decides to prospculc tlie VVar ns Mr.Polk proposes', will deride also to Ipvv n Direct Tiix lo mppi the cot oT it, ko fnr as th Revpnno svstem ye" nlrpady have will not do it. ir Mpís-s Polk nnd Wnlker think thpy cnn forre Fívp. Million1 out of tlie Mexirnns. verv gfood: thpv will need so miich tlie 1p=s f rom nur own ppop'e.r- . If they have nnv iden of rnisin? Forty Millions from oiir nreent TarifTnnd thn Land fnle nCnext year, good again. We have then Forly (iveorFifty Millions. Then !t them sny defini'ely how much more they WiH wanr,and lét Congresscnll on tlie Staps to contriluilp their sevpral quotes - and pav it. If wé need the motiev for wise and ust purpose!, wViy imttax forit nnd pav as wa ro? Why shall this nation go suing to bankers and brokers for tlie mpans of mpeting ils eórreñt éxpenJiWes, when it ií at lent ns able to pny now as it is likely to be twenty venrs henoe? We trust tfiat the new Coneress will se.t itt face síernly ugainrt the Icirrowing, futiding, running-in-debt policy, and resol ve to tnaije iru-ome match'oúr oiitsjoes. Is not this the honest, mnnlv. prudent, safa course! VVho says, No!" DlSCOLBAOING TO "DfACON GlLKS."- TheSeorelary of the Navy, in his Annual Report to Congrpss 8ayst " It s not my opinión that thn in'erests of the United Stales will be promoted by adopting the invention of Uquldjire as a means of nntionn] defenc." The Dead Sea.- We perceive that Hon. Joseph Grinnell, of Massanhusetlí', has offei-pd a resolution in the House óf Representativas, inquiring why the government, hich ui.certakps n snrvey of iheDead Sea, mav íiot clear ihe diannel in the Lake St. Ciair ?