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■TïZl " ■' ' " DR. TOWÍÍtíEND'S TMK MOST F.XTIIAORDINA'IY MEDICINE IN TUK WORLD. T1ITS EXTilACT is put up in qmn W.tllea: : u i, ,-;x tiiiieseheaper, pteasamer, ttid watrauted 'superior tn ny eold. It cursa diseoser wiiiiuui vicsi'ing, purgilis, sickeniug, or ikbilitn'ting tlie pui:nl. GRGAT KAI.L & WiNTEft MEDICINÉ '1 he grolt be.iuiy auperiuniy of thia Sni laparilb over n!l oilier medicine ia, wlnlw i ■ caled didc:isKS. it invigorilcs llie Jiieom, olthc very bes; F;ill and Winter Medicines evej knowu; ii nol in!y purfis the wiiole system I Hiid siren ;tiieiia the 1""=' but it eremos uew, pu-e mul ndi blooJi a power i .e-c.-M-.! l-y n other m'nd'cine. And in ilus liea tll m-'iul e ■ cret of iia wonilerlul succea. Ii hw B'i"rnid wit'iin Ihu ivo years more ihan ■ 5.000 cui ol sevure . ses ül dfséase: al last ZO.IIUO of these i were con si Je red in.-ui.i'.le. Mure iban 3,0ilU cases of Chrcnic Illieuui;:lismi '-',(100 cares of Dyspopsia: 4.0)0 cases of Goucral Uebility nnd V nt oJ To'wi' cases of tlie different Female Complaints; 2.(10) case of Scroiula; I 500 cosea of ihe Livrr Conipiamt: , 'J.r.iü uasos of of the Ridtieys in Dropy H.0U0 cases of Consumption: - And ihousanJs of cases of diwases of the H.)il, Ulca. Krysipelas, Solt Rheum, on the Face. &c. &c, logeiher with nimieroua cases of Kek Hea.l Aclie, Pain in the Su-e and Chcst, Spinnl Affec.ions, &e. &c. ïhis, wc are aware, must appear inoredihle. but we Ihvp letters Ironi Phjsicians and 'our Ae"ls l"rull M lariB of lhe U""üd Sl"te':. in" lorming us of exirnordinnry cures. tl. Van Buskirk, Ksq.. one of the most renpejOnblf Dtuggistsin Newark, N. J-, informs us thni he can reler to m ire 150 cases M lltat place alone. There are ihousands of ca-ei in lhe ei tv of.N.w York, which we wiil refer to with pleusur'e,and to men ..f ehnracer.. It i the he.-l medicine "or the preventivo ot diseiwe Ii ■ndoubtedly saved the lives of mor 5 000 CHÍLDREN THE PAST SEASON ! , As il removed lhe canse o! disease. and prepare-l , them for ihe Slimmer season. Ii bas never be n knowu tu injure in lhe least lhe most delicate duld. RHEUMATISM. Tilia Snrf.ipanlla is ued willi ihe most perfcci iiccess in Rlieunialiccomplninia, however gcveí or chr.iu c The aatonishing cure n has nerformed are indeed wonrterlul. remeoies .ometimes 4ve tempo.ary relicl ; ihia e.iiirel} radic-iiea it from ihe ayaiem, even when ih. liinbs aivt bunei are dre.idiully wollenËr Henr Mr. Se,h Terry, une t .he olde.! ■nd nir-ai reapectnble l.wyeri in Hartford, Cono. The tllowing a an extract of a letter rectived ''"or "t,',j.!.ii -I have used one boitje ofyour Srsnpanlla. and fin.l il ts excellent in i" neen upon a Chronic Rlieiimaiie pain 10 wfcich I an. ■uhiect, from nn itijury receiTed eeral jrrí ico in a public rage. Ticas send me nvo bottle?io ihe o.ire oi Dt Suy.nour. 1 havac.nvere.l witli iwo of our principal pliysicians -and re cOm,nendy,,urSa,,rl1.sFT[jTLi{RY_ HiirOord, Marcli 12. 1-45. CONSUMPTiON CIWED. Clejnean.l girejigincni ConíamiJiion can b. ciired Uronchin4,t'onumilion. LiverCom plunú C.I.U. Catarrli. :uht, Afthma. o, ! . ... 1. Soreneea m ih Chest, Hectié Fliwh, Niglit Swet8, DüBcuít or l'rolus. Expector-itmn. Pam in ihe Side, &c, have buen iifnl can lie cured. Dr. Tówruend- Dear Sir : Nearly twenl) Miago I took a violeni cold, wjiich te tleil on ,ny lung-, and affected me stverely; indeed. fimlly i' tócame a consumí huckina cough. bu But o severe as to preven! me (rom atieniling i. my VVltiiin ihe lst íew veáis u mcremed on me graduaüy. Av laat I bcoaipe rduoed- I brenilied witn rtililculty. ani raise with my coui mach b;rJ maner, and for ihi lii nne inonihí previous lo uaing yonr Sarsapa rilla ha-i reular niglit eweate : indeed, mj riends and myself supposed thai I would die wilt. the Consumplion; but I have the linppinpss lo infor.n ynu that, to my, alier tiirec botiles of your Sarsaparilla, 1 find n y healiti reitorcd It relieved me g-adually, and I am no rnioyiii" much better health than I have belore ni 26 ye irs. 1 had almost ennrely lost my appetne, whioh is also relurned. You are at libeny iu publisli this with my name, in the pansrs, il yon choose. , , . . Mv lililí "ir', who i llllee yearaolil, t.d a very'bud ciugh ilie hule f laat wintef. Wt became very much larmed on her accoun'.- Wlüle using tbe medicine, I gave her s.imeofit. nd it s 'n entirly relieved her, as w;l as iny If and she is wel'l n w. and heariy ns any chile! ev.-r büw She was al full iif linie bijlene; it took ihem nw;,y and h r skin is smooth ní (nr no,' im I am salisfierl she récovered hei healthlroiii using your excellent medicine. 44J Bioudwny. GtUI.3. RKAÜ TIHS. Y..11 who have pile complexión dull eyee bl(.iche on th hier. ttiuüh alul, ai;d are "out i.l i uiri.B." u.eal..nilcir iw. -I Dr ï ownsend .- 1 SanHinrill. lt '" cleanse your MooJ, rerriov. ihe frecU!.- and btatcha, and give yu animrion spnrklms eyes. fine spiihs. and lioauri 11 cumplexion- nl' of whicli aio ot immense valu. 10 unniarried ladies. SCROFÜL.Á CU RF.D. Th;s Certifícale conclusively provea ilm; tlu ! Sarsnpirilla has perlcct on rel over the m. ft j aiinaje diseases ui' ihe biopd. Three person cured in untliousc ie unpr-cedennul. TUREE CHILDKF.. Dr. Townsenl- Dear Sir: I have the pta.sur. to ilform you iliar th'ee of iny childien hav. I heen cu'réd ol ilie Scrolula hy ns of your j cliënt midtcin-: TliHy weie .fflcied very se verely with bid sores; have laken iinljr lour bol tley; il look liiein w.-,y, inr wlnch 1 leel ril) sell undcr vcry deep ublgaiionYour?. respecifiiHy, T8AAC VV. CRAI.V. 100 Woosteret. New York, M.nrch I, l 47. OPINIONS OF l'IIVSKI NS. Ilr. 'PownsunJ is nlmost dnily reeciving Orderf froni Pbysiciana in difTerenl patls ot the Union. Tuis is io cc-nily we, ihe undersigned. Pliysiciana ul'tlio cny of Allnny, iiave in ihiiiicrou dates prescriled D. Townsend's Sarsapirilln, and lielieve ii io bc one ofüse most valuab! pren. aliona in ihe maiket. H. 1'. PAULINO, m. n. J. WILSON, m. i. R 1$ BIllfiGS, h t P. E E.MKiNUORF, . d. Alb-my, April 1, I S-Files Piles Files Dr. Townend" Sarsapaiilla is no les suceassful in curin ihis dutrresinï cimiplmrit. than for d'e;ises uf the Blood. Uyapepaia. Rheumn tiim, and Nervous Uebiliiy. Reud the lolluwng: - Dr. Trtemscad: Dmr Pir- TheefTects of yoi-i Sirsapnrillii ure t.uly wonderful Kor ihe las: ix or eichi yeiM pnsi I have been m'j"ct io se vere uttncki of the piles, ijurin whicli 1 hav. (uJfered ail the torinres of ihnt complainl, niv had dxtnaired f ever findinj relie except ii deaid. 1 have t!ie plrasnr in inforni you ihn "ihere iíf yet, i hilni in Gilend." I h.ive Uiefi twi hotilcs of vour S.rtnpa illn, nnd letl no remniitBol n-.y oM vmiliini. I end you ihis l'oi publicitinn. nnd nny person you mavreter o"me. I woul'i Iih h ippy ro infurm oi the benefit I havi resolved at your Yi)iir, nilv. JOir.N HALL. 40 Puiion 81. Thornn Smiih. Printer. lf!2 N'nssi'i st.,3' iiory, r.;irifd ol a long standing and aggravMied ci uf the Piles. Fiir .üo by MAYAROS. 3 ' ' General Aei::s, Ann Arbor PAINTS, Oils, Varnish, Spirits Turpenline, Brinhes, Gloss. Putty. Glazera, d''C' AlarBett0CkMAVNARDS.t IMiXTDOOK TO MICtílAN STATE BANK. DETROIT. [1847-48] DETROIT. THE CHEAPCASH STORE, No. 132 Jcfcrson Avenue, Vclroil-OId stond uf _____ Ap? % - : r j ■ , i, OUVrTT-nny 1 gUUU [ ITwWw LwholisalJJA Michigan ; F A S S Y and STA PLEj s jps jHrTlHI: ' ME ""DRY 11 TjrGOODS 2 "" 'm 1 f Í TTÜTHER BFEC'HER. j BEECIJER & ABBOTT, our attention is nvited to the best stock of DRY QOODS Ever brought to this City. Also, to the largest and cheapest stock of SUPER NEW STYLES Brussels L & ar pets Warrented to have been imporled vvithin ihe last 20 days. Also, a sp!endid assortment of ENGLISfl INGRAIN ANÜ LOWELL 2 PLY CARPETS, ALL WOOL, At from 50 conti to 1 per yard, anJ every other variety of Curpets at from ls.3d. to 4s. per yard. A!so, OU Ciuths, Brussels Rugs, Wimlow Skadfp, IVal Paper Hanging, Fealhers, "MTttings, &c. &c. GOOP GOODS, -LOW PR1CE3, AND MUST BE SOLD, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 347 XíUTHXjR BBECHSR) Detroit. - - 'E w -' - EiSLTIZSH STORE. SIHbI B89 HBoB 'rI"r" ilsIMIBSra'liiSi'lUlií ■ '■■":''v '■■' ;.■"■" ■ LA DIJE & ELDRED, (Succcssors to Eldrcd Sc Co.) NO. 8 1 WOOD VV A R D A V E N U E, Directly Oppo&ite tBie Episcopal Chuvch, ARE hippy (.1 infiírW Che laic customors of E'drcd Se Co. nuil i'.-e pi'bl.c generall, that ihey tiave nuwon hand. and are cjiióiamly mai.ufacturing, a superior anide ut Leather, And. are 'ésX rins a Findings. AMONO TIIKm A8SORTMENT MAY BE FOUSD Spanish and Sule LEATHER, Deer, Goat nnd Lamb Binding, Hemlock nnd Oak Upper do. Morueco of all kinds, Harnessand Bridlo do. Slioe Tlnead, Tncks, Sparnbles, Skiriing and Russet Bridle do. Slioe Knives, Pincers, Hammers, Belt, B;.nd iú Welt do. Boot Cord nnd VVeljbing, Horse and Siring fio. Awl.s nnd Bn'siles, Africnn anH Slangluer KIP SKINS, Lasti, Boot Tres nnd Crimps, Oak and llemlock CALF do. Lasting and Seal Skins, Frfinch Caf Skin?, B;ink, Shore and Siraits Oil, &c. &c. White, Russet and Colorad Linings, All of whichthey offer on very rcasonable terms. MERCHANTS&MANÜFACTCJRERS Will fild ii to ilieir adfantage to c:il) and examine our stock before purcliasing elstwhere. CASH F AIS FORHIDES AND SKINS. OKTIiOIT. ts 7. 1 y NAILS. - 150 kegs lífistern Nails for fut ale l.-v :4 B B &W. R. vovf.R rr C CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor . and Jus:k-s of t lic l'u.ic. OfKep; Cour, Hcmee Ann r t - W' t PERHY'S BOOK ST0RË, I2PISTLÏÏ No. 4. READ AND CIRCULATK. rTlUE subecriber has rölurned from New York J_ wiili iSé Urgesl tiócfc' of Suliuol Bóoks, EMsnfc Books, and ö'aiioiiery,ev(!i btlöre bráughi to ihis vülaye, whicli, wheii arliied lo his iormer Uree slock, wili rnake ihe mos eomp'rtn :ik soriinenl in tb Sime, nll of wliirli he will sell at very low prices lor Cásh. IJis stock consisis II l IM Itf SCHOOL BOOKS, PAPER, PENS, Ink, Quils, Slatcs. Smid, Mank liooks, Sand Paper, and 2500 PIECES PAPER HANGING3, ring. FVe Boards, and Wind-w Cnriwns, ill unusually clie.ip and nice. AUo Uooks suitable lor. nml siiHicient to lurnish 100 TOWNSHIP LIDRARJES. School Inspectora nnd othcn meresied. re respei'lluiy requesied to exuniine bis stock and pricus befoe ptirchasing, as he is detnnn ned t.i sel! so na to mok e t nn nhjeot not t e lurilier ?OTXTHS BOOZS, Mornl, Rülioioua, insiructive And arnusinz.euch as may si'e'v he put into ihe hands of cliildren. 1OO Gold Pens, GoM Pencils, Silver Pencüs, Ever Points, Calenilers. Ilydrastatic and Pump ínRetafldí, and nian other desiraule and fancy anieles oí Sla tionery. Also. Razors, Strapa. ITondk. Cl..thes Bruhes, Latlier Hrushes, flair Oil . Ox Marrow. IVrlütnca. Fancy Seal and Wafers, uud lols ol iixinTs tor comiori nnd rennomv, at PLRUY'S BOOK STORtt, m; Arbur. Upper VüI.irc, HawUin'a Btocfc, No. 2. wesi side ot the Cotirt House Squnr. Il i desirnbli; ilint it mhoulil be undeMtood tba: persons n the Country, sendiiii; cish orders, ni.iy de pend upon rect-ivin books or stationi'iy un üe bvorahle teruis as tliuugb present to inake ;ln' W. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 1617. i lfCASH Will be paid for COUNTY ORDERS DRWVX on any of the cou nties of lilis State, or money will be loaned on them by tne at iny liankina Ollice. hrst door towards the River ünd opivsiie the cnsinni house. Detroit. Mich SIGHT DRAFTS on New York orillo always on hand. G. F. LEWIS_ E, and for sale. THE subscribor offers for sale Eighty Acres of Land, iei:io ihc eist hall ol njrth ?ist quaner ot'section Kl, üf town 4 north. range I I west. sitúale in the township oi WnyInnd, Allegan Couniy. The lamí is level, ell timbereH, and well acuomniodatcd by ronda, uncí will be sold low lor cash W cxclianaed for stock. JAMr.S II MOSHF.R. Ann Arbor. Nov. 4. I-i47. 341-3ni. TO ATTÖRNËYS AND OTHERS VVISHINO DEEDS ACKNOWLKDGEI) or Depoaitioof tók t'i be usod in either of the Staies f New Tork,, l'ennsylvania, Indiano. Missouri, Kenlucky. South Curoüua. Maine, or Vtimnnt. The unilrnigited has been duly appomied a Conimissioncr for each of said S'atea : Also Notaiy l'ulilic fr Wayne County. OFFICE tirst dóor t.wanU tl.e river from the Post Odine, and opposite the cusloin bouse, Detroit, M;ch. GLEASON F. LF.WIS. G. F. L. wiil atiend promptly t th takin:.' DepoMtions A'c. &c. lor peraons rcsidinsj al a distance by a Idressing Kim by mail. 244-3m Hat, Cap, gentlemen's' furnishing EMPORIUM. T. H. ARMSTRONG, H AVINO taken the Stand No 5,-. U'oorlard Avenue. 3 doora norih of Doiy's Aucitot Iloom. recently oocupied by J. G. Crane, as a Hat S'Oie; and added the Wock ol the latter tu his own, and also engageil in inanulacturnií; every description of HATS Sf CAPS, He is now prepared to offer to the Public even article in hie line. either of his own ol eastern manufacture, twetity five per cent lesf iban hnve been i.ffered in market. In bis stock will be loimd Fine Nutra. Satín Beavrr, Beaver. Otter. Bi .ïsh un' Sportine Hol, Siik. Plus!,. Oil Silk and Velvet Otw : ilío. Ricb Silk Cravan, Scarfs. llandkcrcheifs ;! Bnckskin Gloves ; Colars, Busorns, VValking Canes, UmbrelUs. &c. ■ II ' )- t I WILLIAM A. RAYMOND. OF THE OLD MANHATTAN STORE, CÓRNER OF JEFF'N AVE. AND BATES ST. DETROIT, HS jist received a large and complete assuriinent of DRY GOODS Broaddoths, Sheetings, Caisimeres, Dnlhngs, Sntinets, Tickings, FullCloths, Bnggings, Tweed's Clolhs, Flanncls, Kentucky Jeans, Linseys, And other anieles in tlie lino of lloavy Goods, loo niunenusio meimon. Plair. & f'aney d'Laines. I Prints. Cnshmfirfis. Ginghámfc Pinin & Fiínt-y Alpacas. Lyonese Uolhs, Oregoo i'iaidrt, Orleiiris Clolhs, Imleed h'j nasnrlmpnt of Dress Gomlt comprises nll l'ie variely which husinrsa ilcmnnds. SHAWLS. Ol every vnriely. trom spiend (1 Brochas and Caslimeres 10 henvy, coinfort-ible 1)1 inkel Shawls. LIVE GE ES E FEATHERS, By I he pound or hundred weighl. Paper Hangings, Of all qnalities and prices. PAPER WINDOVV CURTAINS, Of ihe newcst pauernB, al whulesile or rotall. With a stock as well calculated lor the country as the city inde. it is coiifilpntly expected tlrat ■ he reputaiion of 'he -'Oíd Minhátlsn" for gooil Gonds at cheap mtes wil! be fully SUí'lined. As to tiiat FOUR AND SIXPKNNV TF.A. thrit Wp have sold 30 iiinny yo.irs, il is liar Iv necessnrv to say o word : biK if th:s sliould men the eye of any one who lias nnt tned it, hn should by all me.nna rnaUe tile experiment, and seo how crea' 1 gavina may bu made by tlie Manhntmn Storo. Deiroit, Sept. 2U, 1S47. 317-Om Hardware. THE subscriborsliavejnst roceiveda Inree ntldiiion to thetr stock of í'oreien anrl Iícstic Sh.'lf Hardware, wlnch mukes llieir aslortment very complete. B. B. &W. R. NOYE'.ri Jr Jaly I0ih, 1647. 32 ' f,;. ;L.íSr; NEW COOKING STOVE, AND STOVES OK ALL KLN'D.S ! !!:!! TUK Subrfcribor woald cali ilie ntleniion of ilie public ui WOOI.SOx's NEW HOT MR COOKING STOVE, whicli t.hey cm confidenlly lecoinmeud as beina Jecideilly Biijjcrior 10 nny cookin Mme ni use Kor si mpticiiy m operation, ecotiuiny in )(it!.;m! lor unequiilled biking and'runttins qualitiec it is unrlvsled. The new ond important mprovenient iniroduced H 19 Cün8t uction being snelt n8 tü inyuro greal odvaiitagi'S uvcr all uiht-r kinde of cookiiif; Blove, riiose deiiriMid of getlln([ a goiul cookina; stovr tor tamil y uso. or a n-b!iï h'iiise, would di)well bycallmy nii'l rxamtning the above eiuve before purciiusinj; ele"hre. 15. 0. & W. II. N'OYFS. Jr;ï54 7fi Wín)fíwfirfJ Avi-nue E. G. BURGER, Deiilixl, FIRST nOOM OVER O. M. & T. V. lOOï's STORE, JKANE & JEWETT's HLOCK, 61-if ANN ARBOR. GEESE rBATHERS! PAPER HANGINGS! FIRST RATS ÏOUNG I1VSON TKA AT ONI.Y FOUH AiNU S1XPENCE PEIÍ POlfNBI ' . . ]iv tl)' wny no one buys lilis lea once hut buy.s lain. nrtd become o cB'omer. None beller lor he nice cnn !ie had in Ditroh. W1LL0W W AG GONS, Tr aveling Baskets, and ris w e 1 1 as loss ui oihcr gomis hesides Dry Gnndf mny bc hád very cheup u ilie ' (Jld Minhattan Stokk.' Dciroii. 17 W. ARAYMOND. í mik 1 1 yj? y -r í 5 Pk E ?c Maynards ARE IN TOWNAGAIJv! HAVING rcmoveil (ó ihr-ir new store, whert ihey are receiving anextí;IliveassortiLlell■ Drugs, Medicines, Pains, Oih and Grocerics, Wuh a smalt. &eU-M'6ctH n?irliTiein of UUT ORf, All of wliicli thev ofier 10 tlipir old fiienils and new i'iiyt.imcis nl unusinl low priecs. Any. ihing aill at tlieir Miirè is wnrr-mU'ii M lie .f (irst q üilny. Tliey int mh! lienalier to key qIiinist cv'ery orijcle wanied (or t"t 1 1 1 i I y use. Ann At-faor, .lunelïl). 1J17. :;2.!-if W L 4Ê a Wl&'á CLO1ÍI, CLOTIIl ! Til K un!n si L'iifiJ wou!d nform the pufli lliit the v will cnunue in liianiifactiiii Pulled Ci'iih, Cnasiiniere gnJ Kl.innel. ai iheii Factnry, to Kn'd n hAlfBiifia est Irom Ann Arbor, on [luniii River nwu th; Hailruad. TEEMS: The lírico of iiKikiiig cioih WÍ1I bf fur Cnssimere. 4-1 cis. pery.'it-f; .'-:■ Fuiled rluili. 7 e's ner ynrd : for while Flnnel. Uct9. per yanl. - We wili als exchnngc clih for yvool ms renson nhle ternis. WiiiiImiiI by railrnarl aeiMimiiniiiei wiih n-iniotio'w "tl l"1 p.oinptty aitemíed ï o. 'A'c hve il ne an ?x'M;sive business in mRftuficmrinL' cliiih lur cus'omera inrseveril yenr-, 'ïnil lielicve we j;ivc as nood paiislnclinn na nnj Kstnb+ishmhi in t ie Si.-itp. We iberéCife invi'lt uur old cueuimers 10 cnuiinue, and new onts u. come. Leners shmild bo arldrcssed lo S. W. Fostkp Sí Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTF.R & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-tf. STEEL GO 0 DS! jlutscSilts lui e flm[ft( SPLENDID FANS, and any qnnitliiy of oili.r g' od' of this STrt at the OLD MAiNIIATTAiN STORE. 317 Detroit. FIRE ! ÏIRE! ! THE subscribe r conlinjes to net ns A'viit Hie MarlfórH l''Jru Insumnct Compnny. ol llariforfl. Coniieciinut. T4uftGni pnny li is been in [msine-8 !br the l.tSt Tlll'í I SIX YF.AKS. and prumpily p;il 11 fusseá Inrlni iliot time. mniuntin! to mnny Milhons o' Dllnrs. Ap)!icntioii3 iiy mail, (post pniil) or lo ihe üiibsciiber ai ".lie Puil Office, pmmpilv atiendodto. F. J. i CRANE. Agew. Ann Arbor, luly 30, IH47. 33l-lv NOT] CE. THE COPARTNKRSIIIP iieretofnre rxistit)2 lietwecn .1 . ff. Lnml and D. T. Mc Cullum uiiiler ilie firn f .!. II. Lund & C., if tiiis d;iy disömved hy inuiiuil consent. All demanda due snid lirin eillior hy note ni book u-cniinl musí he Beltled miiipdintely. wiili D. T. MtCollum who is amhonzed lo setile llic sume - and nu mistnke. J. H. LUND. D.T. .McCOLLUM. Aun Arbor, Oc'. 25, 1S47. The business hcrenfier will 1)0 carricd on by .f. II. I,uini who is now reöeiving n lorio ond splendid nssortinenl ulfall and winter good cunSIM III!' té Dry Goods, Groccric-, Hardware, Cracken, Boots and Swes, Drugs &c. which he ollera to th" ptiblic chenji lor rend} pay. l'lease culi and cxiimiiie rmnla nml prics. 1 J. II. UJND. Anñ A,brr. Öct. Öö, '47. 310-tf THRHSHING MACHINES, CLOVER MACHINES AND SEPARATOKS. T']F. ubseriher would infnrni the piibüc iliat be camiones W nmnulncture riieubnve ma■ ; 1 1 1 1 1 -. , . l t:,c i'lil sm. .il "I Knnpp & Hnviland, al the Loner Vilhigeó' Anii Arbnr. near llie Paper Milli 'Mie filicliinea ro ui' npproved model, tavebeen lbofiiastllly t":Bil in ibis viciniiy and ivniked wel!. Tlieyare mndo oí the Ihki niaiennls and by experieneed workmrn. ""hey wil] ie Vept cotistnmly on liotiti. nnd nlo be mfcde lo oriler ;it Ihe pluirirst no i ce. Tlicy wil! be eoM on Vfy rensonnble terms íor Cwb, or for notes knnwn t iibsulini'ly gand The ahiive RlñcnTnrf can le need ly four, six or cifrlit luirse?, and nre nut liüble to be ensily broUcn or dam apert. Tu-y ure well ailapted for ibe use oTfilher "irmcrs or Jobbers. The Sepnriitors can bè itaclird in nny genred or slrapped m.iohinr et niiy otlifr kind. The subscriber would optr 10 the followinjl i criuns whb have purchn." d and nsil his Machines : Michi'el timmpnón, Salem, AliíraniliT nanfi, li .lunifs Pinker, :' Alvn l'rnii. Piltïfi;ld, M. A. Cmvnth. " CbirlM le.nnder, " Wm. I'ou. Mil.ord. Hmklev & Vinion, Ttiifor(i. Martin Dpty, Vpsilnnii, M. P. & 'D. IIalliy, Saline, Win Bmith. Csni-m. Iftnc Uiirhnn, Nonlifield. T'ariii'ii'T ntie i'i"n w ill be paid lu Kiiaihs. Casli will be iti.l r..r OldCastings. pergn desirnua "f purcli nna michino are rei"epied tn ntl and eximine these before pnreliasins olscwhere. T. A. HAVIT.AND. May 17. 1847. 3!7tf .0 un ,9rbor TUK SübsCTihot hnvin purahased the inieresis ol J. M. llockwell in t lie Marble liusine". wouhJ infurm 'he nhabimnis o'f thif tnd adjojnins couniic?. ílmt he willconiiniíc llic ínisine 8 ai ilie oíd stand( in the Upper Towti. iienr ilie Presbylerian Chiirch. and manufaciun 10 nrúer : Munumenls, Grive Sloncs Paini Slone, Tdhlets, &-c. 8c. Thnse wishing In obtain any article n hiMine )t'bi.8ÍncHS wilt lind hy callinj; tbnl lie has an assortuifiit of Whiie nntl Variegatsd MtrMe froni 'lie Ensiorn MnrMe Qmrriop, whuli wili be wrougln in Modern siyle. nml solil nt eisiern pri ces, .ui üng iransporiauun only. Cll nnd ge' eihproof. W. F. SPAULDING. Aun Arbor. Jan. 30. 1847. 27-2 j CASH MA RE TT AÑO TWtV.DS. A hciutilui artie'e du (ïentleineii'ri iihnmet .venr, just peceiveH nnd w.ll ba inanufkclurfd i" the tñtesl siyle. nu I lie' puastbts tnanner, ai ihe : Western Ctnhini Ftnponuin." UALLOCK & KAYMOND. SIS! DETROIT. Cheap Jeivelry Store I.j7 Jcferson Avenue, DETROIT. Wholesale and Retail. THE suliscriber lias just returned ffom New Y tik wnli i huye asstírinieiii ol Goh! aml SiUer VVaic'ics. jewtlrj', toóla, rítate riitla. toy., musical intítiiimenis and lancy good. whicH he will sell ai wlintasale or rituil as luw eítal'Iisliniefii wes' of New York. Couniry S'atrh Makrrs and mlit-rs wniHing any ol ifitibove Go'ris will finH it in iheir intcreil lo cali. ís ihcy wil! fin ri ihe beA assoriment in tlie ciiy, .iirl ;ii tlie l.iwpt prifea. GOLD PKNS. wiilisilver holder and pencil J-2 110. I'rii-e Rèluced. Gold l'ens. Waitl.Hsand iewelry RF.PAIUF.Ü II I! MAUSH. 157, JefTt'rs'in Avenue. Detroit, ? Smn iif the G.ill I'en. (, 32+ FURNITUIUÍ & UPHÜLSTEU1NG WARE jROOMS. STBVEWñS & Zl", ÍN tli lower enl "I the Wniie Block. ilirently oppotte AIic.kívn Kxchakob. linve 01. iand ;i Inrge nss enl i fVJtNITURÈ, 01 huirown iii.iiiu acunu, hicli tliey will teil verj uw fút Cfih They ■ïlso'teep rxppjiencoii Upholsterers. and tre prepitcl i do all Kinds of Upliols'.ering nt rhp shtii (est noiii-e. Fnniituro iil'nTI kinds mude to order of lh esl iiiuturiiil. iind wairnnie'l. STEVENS & ZUG. Öe'roit. Jununry, 1, IHI7. 2ÍJ7- ! y FOR SALE C'IF.A!' run CASH, or every kind ofcour. Ir Prodncfl, Saddles, Brdles,Harness, 'Trtmks, Valises, Trunk Valhes,Carpel Bags,Sfc. Altfo a üooü assoi tn:ent oí V"v hip V. Lasiikb. which wilt be sold vrry low, nnd no tni-ílnke. at COOK & IIOUINSON'S. Ann Arlmr. April! 13. 146. '77-if icvr Establishment ci.ocKS, WATCHES, AND THE subsciilifi' WtiuM respcctl'ully announcr io ihe cilizens l Dcxier onl viciniiy ihai tic haa opened .1 sluip in the above place, in lji uorrier store, tonnctlv known as Sheperd'a"; where lie is pfepared lo do Air. kinds of repairidg in the line ui' clocks. watclirs. jeweliy &c, ■ n the huríes' notice. Havinghidnbouttwelve ronrs cxnorience in sonie o! ihe best Kristen ■hor. In: Bitters Inmselt' ihat he can give tntirr salifjction IV 11 ! I thüse who niny fnvor hini willi ilieir wmk. He lrs nnd isco'mmly ra-eivina. docks, vvatilies. nul jcw olry ot all deseripli Jns, wbich lie will ell as clicup ns the chenpesl. W. W. DEXTER. A L S O GROCERIES ol' nl! kinds; S'ich as, Tens, Bugnr, Molnsses. ftiTO, ColTee, I'eppers, Spice. Fish. Cnnriies. Tobacco, Ciijnrs &O.. ie. And in l.ici ïvfrïthino usivilly kepttn sucli in esinbüshmcni(I.ii DuR Kxccmnj oonsuinily on liand and tor sale chean. W. W. DEA'TKR vSf Co. Dr.XTKn. Mnrcli f, ISÍ7 312 if rilOOLS. - Carpenter'-s Cooper's and J Joiner's ThoIb tor salo by 0l B. 15. & W. U. NOYES Jr. T II RE S H ING EVEachines. 'liill'. uiiderstyned wuuld iniuriii the public X ihat he manuloctmes iiorsc Powera and l'hresliing Machines al Sciu, ol u superior kind nvenieil by hinift-ll. Thesj l'owers and Machines ore particular); idapted to the ure of Farmers who wish to ui tüein lor threeliing ilieir uwn grrin. 'i he power, tlucshorand fixturtö can all bc ioaded into a, oommun stzed wagon box and diawn wltb on ,iair ut hoiscs. 'I'lity are desint'd to bc uscd .viih fuur horses, and are cbundanily slrong for hal numbsr, and may be safely tifed willi %x or i-ight nurses vitli proper cure. They work with !es3 strength ol horses accurdtng totheamotnt of nusiness dono than any other poucr, and will ihresh generolly aliout '00 Iiut-licln vlifat prr 'lav with four hordes In onc inpiantc 158 buslicls wheat ere chreshed in thrce hourt with lour horses. Tliis Power and Machine contain all tlie advaniaïe.i necessary to make thftrt profieble to tho purchiser. They are strong and dunble.- They are easily moved from one place to anoth.■r. The work of the joises is easy on thrn :iowers in non pnrison to otlien. and the priee is LOWKIÍ ibnn nny othcr power and machine, hav ever been sold in the State, arcrdine to the real valué. Tho terme of prument will be liberil Kif notes ihat i'ie known tu be absolutly aood. [ havo n nurn'oer of Powergand MacbfnM ïow ready for silo and persons wiahing to buy ■iré invited to cali 6oon. SKPAIIATOR3. I am prepared to muke Sqjara'.on for lhoe who rnay want theni. The utility nnd advantages oí this Powsr and Machine will apprnr evident 10 all on cxaminiog 'he recoinmendation8 belnu. All persons are cautiuned asainst makinf heae l'owers and Machines: the undertigned !iaing adoptcil the nccessnry n:eaures for eeeurintf letters patent for the saine wilhín the time required by law. S. W. FOSTF.R. Scio, WaslilenavCo.,Micli.. June 18, 1S46 RECOMMENDATIONS. Durins the year lr?45, coch of ;he undersigned Ijurcliiiseil and used eilher imlividually or jointlf ith others. one of S. W. FoBier' ncwiy invented Horse Powers and ihreshing nnchinrs, ind oelieve they nre beller udapted to the use of Farmers who int Powers and Machine for '.heir own use than nny other power and threfhir within our knowledgo. They are calculated 10 be used with four horses and are of ampie jtrength lor thal number. They sppear to be constructed in 8tich n manncr as to render thein vcry durable wiih linie liability of getting out of order. They are eisily moved from one placa 'o nno'her. They can be wnrked wilh any num'ier ofhnnils from four (o lighl, ar.d will ihrciU ihoi't 20(1 bushels when' por day. .1. A. POLflKMUS, Scio, Wa.htenaw co. G. BLOOD. " " T. RICHARDSON, " " SAMUKL IIKALY, " " S. P. POSTER, " " N. A. PÍIF.LPS, '' " ADAM SMITII, " " J M BOWRN, J.ima. WM. WALKKR. Webster, " TUOS WARREN, " 1). SMALLEY, I,odi. " I threshed last fall and winter w!th one of 8 W. Foeter's hurse powers. more ihan fifteen ihousand busliels grain The repairs bestowrd 'ipon the pwer amonnted to only 6 cents, and it was in 2ood onler when I had done llircshing. I invariably uted eix horpns. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June 6, 1346. I piirolnsed one of S. W. Foster'i fcorje nowers lasi fail aml hve used fi for j'ibbinf. I have used niany ditiVrein kinds of puwer tri íelieve tina 18 llie bcsl running power I hi iverteen. D. S. UF.NNET. Hamburg. June, 18 IC. We porohhaed one of S. VV. Fostcr's rfor; Powerb I;iii láil, nRii have tised ilund tliink it i i first tale I'ower. JTSSF. HALL. DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June. 164G. 2G9if D1SSOLUTION, 7VTOTICE is liere'iy e'wsn tint tli f irm i liereiofure existías unrier the name of Gibiin &. McAlInstcr is thi rtay dissolved by mutual :nnsen. All persona indeb'ed lo thi' iaid fírm, will please cnll amlseltle wiili G. L. McAMatter, who is uuthurizbd to transaut the business of ihs ate firm. KEUBP.N n G1BSON. GEO. L. Me VLLASTKlt. .íanuury 4tli, 1H48. P. S. - G. L. McAl laster will continua n 'I16 milling business as usual at the "Dellii Mills." 3..0 Kcturned TAILORINO. THE Subsciiher ia deeirous of infortping Ki old cusiumcrs and ihe pulrlic eneraliy. tha ie has loca t tul li hm elf ou Carrier'i Corner -Vort ii ai de of the saliere, where ali kinds of T A I L 0 R I N G in the present f a s h i o n can be done in a espectable and prompt mmiier. P. P. CUTTING done on tlie Wtest notice and warranted to fit f properly made up. W. WII,KirSf?0N. Ann Arbor, May 20, 1847. 31T Gold Pens, PRLCE REDUCED. Ir s ndmiitcil bv all whu me ihrm. that Piquene's Gold Pens ore equal il' nol superior loany ever rtlered in lilis nmrkit. price f2,50. For sii'.a wliulesaie. nnd rciail al llic irninu'nciory. Corner Jl Jcflerson Avenue & OritwoM St., Deiroit. 3M-lyr Also for snlc by C. BLISS, Ann Arbor. rëadymadë'clothing AT ilïLiJioïc.oiilc ictau, THE subscribers have now on hand best assurtriieul ut Rendy Tlndc Clolhingr, ever oflerei! n iliis Siaie. Ttiey have received and manulaclured a larue addilion to iheir Stock within ihe (.ast 8x weeks, and ar (ully prepared wih seimoiinhlb and tashionable goods for th dl trncfe. Their ussortrnent comprises every dscii[inn of enrinent Iront fire OVER COATS. CLOAKS, DRESS SUITS, $. 4-c. to the more lubstanlial mul econorr.ical garmtnta lor liie farmer and laboring mnn. -ALSOA large npsortoient ot Furnishing Goods. BUCH AS Fine & Coarse Shirts, Uider-Garmentt, Hosiery, Collars, Bojoms, Stocks, Suspender., &c. &c. Havinz erenily incrcnse.l ihelr facüitieg for manufiicturing. ihey are better prepared thti tiereiofure f r ihe WHOLESALE TRADE. ('urchnserfc at wlv lesule are invited lo examin iheir Stock. Their gormnnts nre óf goo( mairrials, well mncle. of snlrailile iizes and flyles. and will be ofl'rel al low ratea, 'l'hanklul lor pt 'avore, ihey iolicll n continuance of public pat- '..ngc IIALLOCK & KAYMOND, 318-tf Cor. Jeff'n & Woodward Avenue.