ff "SÃS a 's 'S L 1;jJJl s 8 &EI .. 8 j -â L:L fe S I s E . M?s 5, á ïijfiiflïil h iJï'jIiijli â tà c-2--- : , . o -_ -ë a c 'c'J 1 fff fililà â E a m S L g 3.L 2.S'5.g - PRIMAR Y Sà HOOI, LAB Washtisaw Countv Ci erk'. Omci, } Ann Arbor, Fcb. 3. I8JH. ( To the Townstip Clerks of the Counly of Washlenaw : PAMPHLETS containins; iht Primary Schoil Law have been received ai this office. trom :he Superintendent ni Public Instruciiun. tu be Jelivered lo ou or yonr ordprs. fur your eeral .ownshipÃ. CASSIL'S SWIFT, â ' 5 1 Clerk. OUR AUVEKT1SEKS. ". Lfnder this head, we publish, free of charge he name, reaidunce. and bi'sinesi, of Uioae hÃio dvenise n Uie .S'i.l at Libïkty. Wm. R, 1'kkkv, book Sioie, Ann Arbor. May.nards. Ãrujgi? , Ann Arbor. T. A. Havilaxd. Machiiiisi, Ann Kxbat. V. WitKlvsoM, Tailir. Ann Afbor. S W. FosTtR & Co. Manufacturar. Sci. Wm. Wiwut, Merchant Tuilor, Ann Albor. C I'iquKTrji, Gjlil Ppna. Detroit. W. W. Deiter&C..', JeWclers, Dcitfr. T. H. ArmstiÃ Huta, ic, Detroit. S. W. Fdsiïu. Tli-tshing Mochines. Scio. CiMstock & .SïvMu'R, Merehant. Jaekêon. T. 11. AiH.Tiio.b, Hat Siore. Oetroid C. Ci.akk, Cñicé, An Arbor. E. G. Burger. DentUi, Ahh AÃbof, C. Blies. Jewelúr, Ann Arbor. F J. B. Crank. Insiirnnee Office.Ann Arbjr W. F. SpAUf.niNt!. MaibleVard, Ann Afbot. Coik & Roai.tso.v, Harneas Maksi Aan Arbor. Vf. A. Rjiy.iioNn, lii-rchan', Delrol). M. Whkklkr; AÃi-rcliant. Ailn Arbor S. I). Bup.y,T, benlist. Ann ArBbr. StüVessA. Ziö3, U[thn3terer8, Detroit. Waà S. Bro., Attornev ai Lnw. Ann Arbaf. J. W. Tillman. C binet Wnré, Detroit. HalLock &â Rirtii.vD, Cloihing Store, D. troit. La Dcx & BiAJUb; TannlÃry. betnÃt. H. B. Marsh. Jc-.Vf]ry,.I)firoit. Mrs. C BiiKFJxbTuni Jiiilihery. Ann Arbor. J H I.tsti, MerChnn', Anii Arbnr. J. II. MittÃxk, Real Eiiatk, Ann Aibsr. G. F". Ã.kwis. Krokpr. Detroit. B. B. fc W. R. Noria Jr. Hardware, Dct. St'AfK UF MiOHrOAN - WaIbtkraW Coustt, ss. - Al o S'asinn of the l'iobaie Court fot llie Couniy of Waenttnmv, held at ha Probate Office in the Village ol Aun Arbor ihe IO1I1 day ol .Jnntmry, A. D une thouannd â ight hundred hd fbrty righi - Preeent, Dia VI. Sluimer. Jurlge of Probate. trt the mitter o f the 1 of ihp Wil! f Guy Eeckley. deceasei. On leidinz nnd filing the peiitiofi of James B. Gott and Fhj la 3. Back'cy, representing tliit Guy Beckley in bil lif. time mulé and published his hist will nd itm., oient (whlch is now on file in the Probatf QSSï 6 n saM cmin:y) - tlmt the said Jomes H ptt inJ Phyla B. Beckley are ar'pointed in widiwill' 19 Exefiuior and Kxicutrix, praying t-hat tbv 5iid will mny be p.-oved, alluwed ana ncardd. md tint letters ipstnmentaiy ibcnat), may b iranted lo thom - Thereupon it ort'ered that" ihe consiilerntion f BacJ peijtÃo.s fip pnrtpone 10 the 8:h div ofFebrtiary next m II) o'blopk A. VI. of enid diy, nt ihe Prtti i ffii-e ol nitï Connty. to the en l that iht iwifs nd all othr persons rnterested in said; esJoie msy !itn anij 'hero apppar and show mss if sny t:y have, why theproyer of the ps:(iionpr hould not ' . LTfinied. And it is furtior . urdbi ad that the peti tionera c.iuae a eopy of this order lo be piblihiá' n the Siinnl of Liberty, o pulfie ne'paper pub!i3- -i-I in the Couniji f W-i-titfr.iw. lor t!nt weeks Biiccesaivelv, onn in f ach wril, icviou 'o the time above aftftpmnr for ihe Finoiing of sjd petition. t}:VA9 M SKINNl'lt. 35 1 udge of Probntt j&iRECT F KOM NEW JTORK l J TTAYliffï jut" rclurrod fróm New York with mT) " Wt!" "lecifd asnirlnienl jSf (if gt'orid priaüiinp to hl wJBà IÃ1Ã. is iÃow prcpurcd o %'jföïk Wl"'' "i"" ll'iisc who mty ?jamKt â ''V'"1 him wjih n ruil. nt â his o!d stnnJ on Mam at.t opposite ',j. Beckcrs Bricl; Siorp. He i deermineo nat Ão be undersold by nny. and mon hit âriicles Riny be fjund iho ("llnwing : Gold and Silver Lever Walchrs, Lepin; and Common do , Gold Pins and Rings, Minititure Cases, Gold Pens, with case as LCWAS $2v. Plated and lirittania, Qandlt Sticks, Plated and Brass Snuf er, anit Trays, Castors, cor&l NLcfilaoes K'yei. ind common Fluips Fifep, Ae?Oitfs. Violin ind strinrs. c.Tlr how, SnsÃr hasrds. BridgÃs, tc.. Guiiarxand sli-ings, Ihsi, Silver, Germán ná fttlMkgMB, fint cnitc;y. pn'riitknife sharpea,er!t. a sieat vnrielp nf iotb, perfgmry, rjcl bs a.-rfi puise eluyl, n:ci bcad oni pnrse iwist. Srass Clochs lor $3, oliMhi. hair, !.nrcr. lonth and nnil Br&stoes ; Cembs, U:llets+ r:iïir strap, in s -t. a preat Tnrirly ino numerit i-t moniion. CWI nnd timin (or youflve. Clocli?, v. iUfhw, :ind limct CC3 ui e v ry dct. riitiitn NEATE.Y REPAIRED AMQ WARRANTEft N. B.- C.ish paid lor ld Gold . Silrr.
Washtenaw County Clerk
Primary School Law
Probate Notice
Wills & Trusts
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Elias M. Skinner
James B. Gott
Phyla B. Beckley
Guy Beckley
Calvin Bliss
William R. Perry
T. A. Haviland
W. Wilkinson
William Wagner
C. Piquette
T. H. Armstrong
C. Clark
S. W. Foster
E. G. Burger
F. J. B. Crane
W. F. Spaulding
W. A. Raymond
M. Wheeler
S. D. Burnett
William S. Brown
J. W. Tillman
H. B. Marsh
Mrs. C. Buffington
J. H. Lund
J. H. Mosher
G. F. Lewis