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Acolytes Installed At Trinity Lutheran Church, May 1961 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Acolytes Installed At Trinity Lutheran Church, May 1961 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 12, 1961
Acolytes Installed: Eight young men (kneeling) were installed in the Trinity Chapter of the Order of St. John Acolytes yesterday evening at the Ascension service at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. They are Steve Lawrence, Dave Maurer, Dave Welliver, Mike Hellner, Bob Schiller, Ken Logerquist, Carl Maki and Bob Dascola. The Rev. Richard I. Preis (standing), pastor, conducts the installation ceremony.

James Fortney Jr. and William Gilbert reading the History of the Passion at Trinity Lutheran Church, April 1957 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

James Fortney Jr. and William Gilbert reading the History of the Passion at Trinity Lutheran Church, April 1957 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 20, 1957
Passion History: Reading form the History of the Passion are (left to right) James Fortney, jr., and William Gilbert, members of the Order of St. John Acolytes at Trinity Lutheran Church. The last section of the history was read during Good Friday services last night.

Advent Wreath at Trinity Lutheran Church, December 1956 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

Advent Wreath at Trinity Lutheran Church, December 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 15, 1956
To Lighten Darkness: Acolytes of Trinity Lutheran Church light with their tapers the candles of the Advent Wreath. In Christian tradition, lighting of one additional candle each Sunday in Advent signifies increasing hope for salvation with the brith of Christ, who lightens the darkness of the world. During Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas, candles on the Trinity Lutheran wreath are lighted by members of the Order of St. John Acolytes. The acolytes above are (left to right) Michael Wagner and David Dascola.