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Snow Removal Trucks Haul Snow From Ann Arbor Roads To Huron River, January 1939

Snow Removal Trucks Haul Snow From Ann Arbor Roads To Huron River, January 1939 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 31, 1939
Digging the city out of the worst snowstorm of the winter was a crew of 160 men and 40 trucks, the largest army ever put in service for snow removal here. One crew of four men is shown in the top picture shoveling snow off S. State St. into one of the trucks. A steady stream of trucks were carrying the snow to the Huron river where it was being dumped as fast as it was shoveled from the streets, as shown in the lower photo.

Road Crews Dump Snow Into The Huron River After Record-Breaking Storm, February 1965 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Road Crews Dump Snow Into The Huron River After Record-Breaking Storm, February 1965 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 27, 1965
The record snowfall of the last three days has created the city street department's biggest mountains ever under and near the US-23 bridge over the Huron River. Snow removal crews have been dumping the white stuff into the river from an older, unused bridge (foreground) and piling it on sloping ground to melt and run off.