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Keith Bostic, Homecoming King, & Candidates For Homecoming Queen - Pioneer High School, October 1978 Photographer: Robert Chase

Keith Bostic, Homecoming King, & Candidates For Homecoming Queen - Pioneer High School, October 1978 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 26, 1978
Homecoming activities at Pioneer High School end Friday with a football game and crowning of the homecoming queen. While Keith Bostic, front row center, has reigned all week as homecoming king, only one of the young women will have the crown placed on her head. Candidates for the queen are, from left, Tina Carras and Julie Holdaway in the front row. In the back row are Francine Jones, Tera Cope, Kila Kindig, Joanna Bullard and Susan Johnson.

1950s Themed Dress Up Day - Homecoming Week, Pioneer High School, October 1978 Photographer: Robert Chase

1950s Themed Dress Up Day - Homecoming Week, Pioneer High School, October 1978 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 27, 1978
COOL, MAN - Pioneer high student Jenny Dyer shows how it was done in the 50s with saddle shoes, rolled up jeans, bubble gum and a varsity sweater, vintage 1951. Jenny was celebrating Pioneer's homecoming week on dress-up day, with a 50s theme. Both students and teachers appeared in duck tail haircuts, poodle skirts with crinoline petticoats underneath, beanie hats, pearls and pony tails. Martha Graham, assistant principal, said over a third of the students participated and it was a "fantastic display." (Staff photo by Robert Chase)

Baseball - Pioneer High School vs Trenton, April 1969

Baseball - Pioneer High School vs Trenton, April 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 12, 1969
First of Six. Pioneer High's Marv Copeland scores the first run of the game as teammate Jerry Schneider (46) rounds first base on a first-inning single. Trenton catcher Mike Hoagland (5) watches the RBI single go into the outfield while pitcher Jim Grace races in to back up the receiver. Two runs scored. The Pioneers went on to score a 6-1 victory.

Pioneer High Students Prepare for Upper Peninsula Survival Weekend, May 1969

Pioneer High Students Prepare for Upper Peninsula Survival Weekend, May 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 18, 1969
Getting some last-minute tips from two U.S. Marines are seven of the 40 Pioneer High students who leave Friday for a "survival" weekend in the wilds of the Upper Peninsula. The boys will sleep on the ground, and, for the most part, will gather all their own food. Eight Marines will accompany the boys and several teachers on the trip. The Marines are all Vietnam veterans and experts in survival training. From left are S/Sgt. Byron Tapp, Larry Gable, Ron Coon (standing), Rick Bolhouse, Pete Schneeberger (standing), Bob Cooper, John Sonntag, Dave Haaxman and Sgt. B. J. Melvin. Cooper, Pioneer High Student Council president, helped organize the expedition.

Making Decorations For The New Year's Eve Dance, December 1968 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Making Decorations For The New Year's Eve Dance, December 1968 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 29, 1968
Paulette Payor (left) and Myra Murray, students at Huron and Pioneer High Schools respectively, give the finishing touches to one of the decorations to be used at Tuesday's New Year's Eve dance at the Michigan Union. The dance, a girl-ask-boy type, is a traditional one for Ann Arbor teens, and is sponsored by the senior girls from Huron, Pioneer and St. Thomas High Schools as a joint project.
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AADL Talks To: Geoff Larcom, Former Sports Editor and Columnist for the Ann Arbor News, and Media Relations Director for Eastern Michigan University

Geoff Larcom
Geoff Larcom

Geoff Larcom was born and raised in Ann Arbor. He followed in his parents’ footsteps to pursue a career in journalism, working for his high school yearbook, then the Michigan Daily while a student at the University of Michigan. He then spent 25 years working for The Ann Arbor News, initially as a copy editor, then, after three years in sports at The Detroit News, he served for 12 years as Ann Arbor News sports editor.  He spent his last 10 years with the News as a metro reporter and columnist. After the News closed in 2009, he became  Executive Director of Media Relations at Eastern Michigan University. Geoff talks with us about his career; his memories of The Ann Arbor News during many changes within the industry; and about the life and career of his father, Guy C. Larcom, who holds the distinction of serving as Ann Arbor’s first City Administrator, and his mother, Taffy Larcom, who was a professor of journalism at EMU. 

Pioneers Win Despite Charges Of Foul

Pioneers Win Despite Charges Of Foul image
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High School Tennis: Pioneer vs. Jackson, April 1969

High School Tennis: Pioneer vs. Jackson, April 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1969
Stew Bick, Pioneer High's No. 2 tennis seed, blasted his way to a 6-0, 6-0 victory against his Jackson foe yesterday as the Pioneers racked up a 7-0 win over the Vikings. The Pioneer wins were all in straight sets.