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Junior Tennis

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Junior Red Cross Members Prepare For Roll Call

Junior Red Cross Members Prepare For Roll Call image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 5, 1938
Prepare For Roll Call: These members of the Junior Red Cross are helping with plans for the Red Cross roll call by preparing the supplies for the volunteer workers. Ann Husselman is at the left and Ross Allen at the end of the table, and then continuing left to right are Phoebe Good, Robert Angell, Joanne Peck and Phyllis Johnson.

Red Cross Campaign - Nurse at St. Thomas Catholic School, November 1938

Red Cross Campaign - Nurse at St. Thomas Catholic School, November 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 12, 1938
I Serve Is Their Motto - St. Thomas Catholic school pupils proud of their record of 100 per cent enrollment in the Junior Red Cross gathered around the school nurse, Miss Madeline Kunna, as they received their Red Cross emblems. Their school was the first to enroll 100 per cent.