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Lt. Tansin User Of The Turkish Navy At First All-Campus Blood Drive, March 18, 1952 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

Lt. Tansin User Of The Turkish Navy At First All-Campus Blood Drive, March 18, 1952 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 18, 1952
Thirty-two members of the Turkey Club, a University organization of students from Turkey, last night contributed blood at the U-M's first all-campus blood drive. Here, Nurse Mrs. Viola E. Smith (left) signs up Lt. Tansin User of the Turkish Navy as Capt. Ahayn Tirak of the Turkish Army watches. Donors may indicate the blood pools to which their contributions will go. The drive, conducted in an American Red Cross mobile unit set up at the South Quadrangle, will close Friday. To date, 600 donors have given their blood of 1,150 persons who pledged to contribute.

Ann Arbor High School students are Red Cross poster competition winners, March 1944 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Ann Arbor High School students are Red Cross poster competition winners, March 1944 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 15, 1944
Out of the 243 entries in the Red Cross accident prevention poster contest in the city schools, the entries pictured above with their originators were given three of the 14 prizes. Bob Landes (left), Ann Arbor High school student, won a first prize for his poster on safety in the home; Mary Kring (center), also an Ann Arbor High school student, was awarded a first prize for her three dimensional display of "Hazard House," and Karlin Lutz, an Ann Arbor High school junior was given first prize for a safety on the farm poster. All entries are on display in the Rackham building and may be seen until 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.