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Students Thrilled By New Campus Apartments

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John Kennedy Carries Suitcases Into His New University Terrace Apartment, September 1946

John Kennedy Carries Suitcases Into His New University Terrace Apartment, September 1946 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 17, 1946
LAST ARMLOAD: John D. Kennedy, an Army veteran in the University's department of mechanical engineering, carries the last of his suitcases into his University Terrace apartment where he and his wife, Sally, were among the early arrivals.

Sally & John Kennedy Unpack Textbooks In Their New University Terrace Apartment, September 1946

Sally & John Kennedy Unpack Textbooks In Their New University Terrace Apartment, September 1946 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 17, 1946
A PLACE FOR TEXTBOOKS TOO: Pictured above is the large built-in book case to accommodate the veteran student's books in the University Terrace apartments. John Kennedy hands a textbook on mechanical engineering to his wife, who finds the abundant closet and shelf space one of the major attractions of the apartment.

John & Sally Kennedy Unpack Dishes In Their New University Terrace Apartment, September 1946

John & Sally Kennedy Unpack Dishes In Their New University Terrace Apartment, September 1946 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 17, 1946
MODERN KITCHEN FOR THE WIFE: Kitchen cupboards, sink, stove, and refrigerator, are conveniently arranged to save steps and time on the part of veterans' wives at University Terrace apartments. Sally Kennedy, above, is unpacking her dishes with the aid of her husband, John.

Newly-Constructed University Terrace Apartments, September 1946

Newly-Constructed University Terrace Apartments, September 1946 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 17, 1946
FIRST APARTMENT UNIT READY: The facade of the first University Terrace unit to be completed is pictured above as it appears today, before any landscaping. The Terrace, near University Hospital, overlooks the Huron river valley to the north and east. It includes a total of 12 units to house 292 married students and faculty who are veterans.

John & Sally Kennedy Unpack Their Belongings In Their New University Terrace Apartment, September 1946

John & Sally Kennedy Unpack Their Belongings In Their New University Terrace Apartment, September 1946 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 17, 1946
STUDENTS MOVE INTO NEW CAMPUS APARTMENTS: The confusion of moving hasn't dampened the spirits of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kennedy, who find their new apartment in University Terrace, east of University Hospital, "everything we could wish." Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy are one of 14 veterans and their wives who moved into the apartments yesterday upon completion of the first of 12 units which comprise the Terrace. Three other units are expected to be ready this month, four in October, and four in November. The apartments, 292 in all, are reserved for married students and faculty members who are veterans. (Story on page 3; other pictures on page 20.)