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Dan Mulholland At The Ann Arbor Record Show, January 1997 Photographer: William Jordan

Dan Mulholland At The Ann Arbor Record Show, January 1997 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 19, 1997
Dan Mulholland, also known as "Lord Rockingham" on Ann Arbor radio station WCBN on Friday afternoons, looks through stacks of 45 rpm records while listening via headphones to a DC-powered turntable. He's looking for recordings of artist Nervous Norvus from 1956-57 to add to his personal collection.

Ann Arbor Record Show, January 1997 Photographer: William Jordan

Ann Arbor Record Show, January 1997 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 19, 1997
An elk head watches over the crowds that jammed the Ann Arbor Record Show held Saturday at the Elks lodge on Eisenhower Parkway in Ann Arbor.

Ann Arbor Record Show At The Elks Lodge, January 1996 Photographer: Paul Warner

Ann Arbor Record Show At The Elks Lodge, January 1996 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 14, 1996
Pieces of rock history, such as a Dec. 8, 1980, New York Post announcing John Lennon's death, could be found among crates of records at Saturday's record show.
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AACHM Oral History: Alice Brennan-Key

Alice Brennan-KeyAlice Brennan-Key was born in Ann Arbor in 1953. Her parents met in Florida after her father immigrated from the Bahamas, and they moved to Ann Arbor in the 1940s. Brennan-Key grew up on Gott Street, next door to her current residence. She has seen the neighborhood change over the years due to gentrification. She went to Michigan State University as an undergraduate and received her master’s in social work from the University of Michigan. She spent most of her career working with developmentally disabled and mentally ill residents of Washtenaw County. She raised her daughter Khyla in Ann Arbor.

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Albert F. Dosey Dies At 51 Years

Albert F. Dosey Dies At 51 Years image
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