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Community Center At 502 E. Washington Without Heat, December 30, 1971 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Community Center At 502 E. Washington Without Heat, December 30, 1971 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 30, 1971
Trying To Keep Warm: Trying to keep off the winter chill, these workers at the Community Center at 502 E. Washington warm their hands near a portable heater while wearing their heavy coats. Left to right are Robin Giber, Fred Golden, Cathy Barnett, Joe Tiboni, Gail Johnson, and Bill Tanner. Volunteers remain at work in the building, which is without heat due to a boiler crack Tuesday. A request for donations toward the purchase of a new boiler has been made to the community. The building houses Drug Help, Free People's Clinic, Ozone House and the Community Center Project. A spokesman from the group said today they have received only a few calls offering to send a donation but they are hopeful of getting the $2,200 for the boiler next week. All organizations except the Free People's Clinic are still in operation in the building.

The Ann Arbor Community Center Relocates to 603 E. William Street, December 1972 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

The Ann Arbor Community Center Relocates to 603 E. William Street, December 1972 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 28, 1972
The Ann Arbor Community Center, plagued with housing problems in each of the last two Decembers, begins to pull itself together at its new location at 603 E. William St. Last December the center's four youth-oriented service organizations were forced into the cold, literally, when a boiler broke down. This year the problem was much more severe when the center's headquarters on W. Washington Street burned down. In the photo at left, three unidentified service volunteers, supervised by Gail Johnson on the right, begin setting up operations at the new center which will house the Community Center Project, Drug Help Inc., and Ozone House. The Free Peoples Clinic will be operating from the University Hospital, and services will be offered there beginning Jan. 3, not yesterday as previously reported by University officials. Both the E. William location and the U-M Hospital facilities are only temporary housing while a search continues for permanent headquarters.

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