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Architect Charles W. Lane shows a point of interest at Huron High School construction site, October 1967

Architect Charles W. Lane shows a point of interest at Huron High School construction site, October 1967 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Huron High Site Visited Architect Charles W. Lane cites a point of interest at the eastern end of Huron High School, now under construction. The portion of the school in the photo will be an academic wing. His booted and helmeted audience includes (from right) Jerry Klump, job superintendent for the A. Z. Shmina and Sons Construction Co., and three members of the Board of Education -- Dr. Harold J. Lockett, President Hazen J. Schumacher, and Mrs. Frances Felbeck. The new school, on Fuller Rd. near its intersection with Geddes, is expected to be ready for occupancy by Sept. 1, 1968.

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