View From Tower Plaza Roof Of Construction Crane & William Street Running Vertically, November 9, 1968

Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 9, 1968
From the roof of the 26-story Tower Plaza apartment building at the corner of Maynard and William, News photographer Cecil Lockard gained a dizzying perspective of the street far below. "It's all right once you get your stomach settled. It's a beautiful view of the city up there, " he commented after risking life and limb to catch the crane stretching 26 stories high to disconnect the construction elevator (far left). The crane perched on the truck (bottom right) which had already taken down one section of the elevator, was preparing to disconnect the second section. Although the exterior of the building is completed, much of the interior work remains to be finished. This view shows William St. running vertically.
Ann Arbor News, November 9, 1968
From the roof of the 26-story Tower Plaza apartment building at the corner of Maynard and William, News photographer Cecil Lockard gained a dizzying perspective of the street far below. "It's all right once you get your stomach settled. It's a beautiful view of the city up there, " he commented after risking life and limb to catch the crane stretching 26 stories high to disconnect the construction elevator (far left). The crane perched on the truck (bottom right) which had already taken down one section of the elevator, was preparing to disconnect the second section. Although the exterior of the building is completed, much of the interior work remains to be finished. This view shows William St. running vertically.
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