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St. Paul's Lutheran Church School Children Giving Money to Gethsemane Lutheran School in Detroit, December 1971

St. Paul's Lutheran Church School Children Giving Money to Gethsemane Lutheran School in Detroit, December 1971 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 7, 1971
The students at St. Pauls Lutheran Church decided to donate their own money to be given to Detroit inner city Lutheran School as one of their projects for the year. Accepting a check for his school, Gethsemane in Detroit, is Tony Burt (left) and also a teacher from his school Marge Volger. Giving the $216.67 check is Dan Hammer and Lisa Callies and St. Paul Principal Alvin Richert. The Detroit school operates on a tuition basis and most students are from low-income families making the school operate on limited funds. (News Photo by Jack Stubbs)

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