Mary Polasky Gives Opening Remarks At The League Of Women Voters Meeting, September 1967

Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1967
Mrs. Alan N. Polasky, president of the Ann Arbor League, welcomes guests and members at the opening of last night's coffee. The coffee was held to acquaint local women with the various aspects of the non-partisan organization dedicated to the principles of self-government. Displays depicting the League's various study groups appeared around the room, and chairmen of the groups explained their groups' work in such areas as human resources and city planning.
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1967
Mrs. Alan N. Polasky, president of the Ann Arbor League, welcomes guests and members at the opening of last night's coffee. The coffee was held to acquaint local women with the various aspects of the non-partisan organization dedicated to the principles of self-government. Displays depicting the League's various study groups appeared around the room, and chairmen of the groups explained their groups' work in such areas as human resources and city planning.
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