League Of Women Voters Holds Membership Coffee

Wednesday, September 20, 1967
League Of Women Voters Holds Membership Coffee
'Ann Arbor League Welcomes You'
Mrs. Alan N. Polasky, president of the Ann Arbor League, welcomes guests and members at the opening of last night’s coffee. The coffee was held to acquaint local women with the various aspects of the non-partisan organization dedicated to the principles of self-government. Displays depicting the League’s various study groups appeared around the room, and chairmen of the groups explained their groups’ work in such areas as human resources and city planning.
Honored Guests
National President of the League of Women Voters, Mrs. Robert J. Stuart of Spokane, Wash., delivered a brief address at the annual membership coffee of the Ann Arbor League yesterday evening in the community center.
Chatting Over Coffee
“Birds of a feather . . ." seems to characterize this scene as three past presidents of the Ann Arbor League, the national League president, the current local president, and a prospective League member, wife of the president-designate of the University gathered for a cup of coffee and a chat about past activities and future plans of the League. From left to right are Mrs. Elton B. McNeil, Mrs. Franklin G. Moore, Mrs. Warren L. Smith, Mrs. Robert J. Stuart, Mrs. Alan N. Polasky (seated) and Mrs. Robben W. Fleming (in front). Past presidents spoke to guests briefly about recent local League activities.
Join Now, Pay Later?
Mrs. Steven Coombs and Mrs. Charles Omarzu, mem-bers of the membership committee, assist guests in registering as they arrive at the coffee. Approximately lflft prospective members attended last evening. They received membership kits containing information about the League in general and specific information about the local League.
Mrs. Walter K. Klamp, League treasurer, discusses League finances and inevitable dues with Mrs. Seth Bonder, a new member in the picture below.
Ann Arbor League of Women Voters [LWV]
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League of Women Voters [LWV]
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Old News
Ann Arbor News
Jane Mann
Judy Bonder
Pat Shanks
Linda Brophy
Margaret Klamp
Sharron Singleton
Mary Coombs
Joan Omarzu
Mary Polasky
Julia Davis Stuart
Marjorie McNeil
Laura Moore
Ann Smith
Aldyth Louise Sally Fleming
Duane Scheel