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James Daniel & Thomas Gieryn - Winners Of The Elks Pratt Lodge/Daisy Chain Temple Oratorical Contest, May 1966

James Daniel & Thomas Gieryn - Winners Of The Elks Pratt Lodge/Daisy Chain Temple Oratorical Contest, May 1966 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 3, 1966
James Daniel (left), Ypsilanti High School senior, and Thomas Gieryn, Ann Arbor High School senior, display their trophies after winning the oratorical contest sponsored by Elks Pratt Lodge No. 322 and Daisy Chain Temple. Gieryn placed first and Daniel second in competition on "The Negro and The Constitution." Gieryn, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Gieryn of 2541 Hawthorne, will go on to the state competition in June. Daniel is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. William J. Daniel of 213 Buffalo, Ypsilanti. Pratt Lodge and the Temple also honored Mrs. Charlesetta Monroe, a former director of the oratorical contest project, in the program which was held at Bethel AME Church Sunday.

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