University Of Michigan Flying Club, April 1941 Photographer: Eck Stanger
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 10, 1941
A regional intercollegiate flying meet will be held at Ypsilanti airport Saturday and Sunday, with college fliers expected from several states. Host to the meet will be the Michigan Flying Club, several of whose members are pictured above with the club's recently acquired plane. In the photograph (left to right) are Edward Martin, Robert Braun, Corwin Denney, Leslie Trigg, president of the club, Scott Osler, Elaine Wood, Carolyn Hager, Joan Hamilton, Glidden Doman and Warren Robinson.
Ann Arbor News, April 10, 1941
A regional intercollegiate flying meet will be held at Ypsilanti airport Saturday and Sunday, with college fliers expected from several states. Host to the meet will be the Michigan Flying Club, several of whose members are pictured above with the club's recently acquired plane. In the photograph (left to right) are Edward Martin, Robert Braun, Corwin Denney, Leslie Trigg, president of the club, Scott Osler, Elaine Wood, Carolyn Hager, Joan Hamilton, Glidden Doman and Warren Robinson.
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University Of Michigan Flying Club, April 1941 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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University Of Michigan Flying Club In Action, April 1941 Photographer: Eck Stanger
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James Daniel & Thomas Gieryn - Winners Of The Elks Pratt Lodge/Daisy Chain Temple Oratorical Contest, May 1966 Photographer: Eck Stanger
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 3, 1966
James Daniel (left), Ypsilanti High School senior, and Thomas Gieryn, Ann Arbor High School senior, display their trophies after winning the oratorical contest sponsored by Elks Pratt Lodge No. 322 and Daisy Chain Temple. Gieryn placed first and Daniel second in competition on "The Negro and The Constitution." Gieryn, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Gieryn of 2541 Hawthorne, will go on to the state competition in June. Daniel is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. William J. Daniel of 213 Buffalo, Ypsilanti. Pratt Lodge and the Temple also honored Mrs. Charlesetta Monroe, a former director of the oratorical contest project, in the program which was held at Bethel AME Church Sunday.
Ann Arbor News, May 3, 1966
James Daniel (left), Ypsilanti High School senior, and Thomas Gieryn, Ann Arbor High School senior, display their trophies after winning the oratorical contest sponsored by Elks Pratt Lodge No. 322 and Daisy Chain Temple. Gieryn placed first and Daniel second in competition on "The Negro and The Constitution." Gieryn, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Gieryn of 2541 Hawthorne, will go on to the state competition in June. Daniel is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. William J. Daniel of 213 Buffalo, Ypsilanti. Pratt Lodge and the Temple also honored Mrs. Charlesetta Monroe, a former director of the oratorical contest project, in the program which was held at Bethel AME Church Sunday.
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Boy Scouts & Sea Scouts Of Tappan School, April 1937
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Ann Arbor News, April 29, 1937
Troops 1 and 2 and the Sea Scout troop of Tappan school, shown above, will broaden their activities this summer with trips and new equipment financed by the benefit performance at 8:15 tomorrow night in Tappan auditorium. "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde will be given by students of Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's class in drama.
Ann Arbor News, April 29, 1937
Troops 1 and 2 and the Sea Scout troop of Tappan school, shown above, will broaden their activities this summer with trips and new equipment financed by the benefit performance at 8:15 tomorrow night in Tappan auditorium. "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde will be given by students of Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's class in drama.
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Club Offers Free Shows
Parent Issue
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Hockettes Practice For New York Exhibition
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Rehearsal Of Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club Hockettes, February 1969 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
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Charles Jones President Of The Camp Fire Girls, March 28, 1977 Photographer: Larry E. Wright
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Bluebirds Club Ice Skating At Veterans Memorial Park, January 17, 1972
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 17, 1972
With slightly shaky success, a new group of Bluebirds tried its wings on ice recently. And giggles drowned out any worries of failure. Pictured from left are Nora McNamara, Leader Martha Cooper, Kris Williams, Helper Missy Babcock, and Beth Meade. (The woman in the background is not identified.) The Bluebirds, as well as their older counterparts, the Camp Fire Girls, are organizing for the first time in Ann Arbor under Mrs. Cooper's direction. Mrs. Cooper, who was a Camp Fire Girl in her youth, decided to launch the program locally because of fond memories of her Colorado girlhood in the organization. The two groups are actively seeking more recruits so they can grow, flourish and share their experiences more widely. Of course, adult volunteer leaders are needed, too. The groups are for girls of all races, religions, national origins and economic backgrounds from the age of six through high school.
Ann Arbor News, January 17, 1972
With slightly shaky success, a new group of Bluebirds tried its wings on ice recently. And giggles drowned out any worries of failure. Pictured from left are Nora McNamara, Leader Martha Cooper, Kris Williams, Helper Missy Babcock, and Beth Meade. (The woman in the background is not identified.) The Bluebirds, as well as their older counterparts, the Camp Fire Girls, are organizing for the first time in Ann Arbor under Mrs. Cooper's direction. Mrs. Cooper, who was a Camp Fire Girl in her youth, decided to launch the program locally because of fond memories of her Colorado girlhood in the organization. The two groups are actively seeking more recruits so they can grow, flourish and share their experiences more widely. Of course, adult volunteer leaders are needed, too. The groups are for girls of all races, religions, national origins and economic backgrounds from the age of six through high school.
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