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Decorating The Thrift Shop Window, February 1949

Decorating The Thrift Shop Window, February 1949 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 18, 1949
Making an attractive window display is one of the many jobs Thrift Shop members have in operating their store at 120 N. Fourth Ave. Mrs. Russell Pryce (left) of Miller Ave. and Mrs. Robert Norris of Baldwin Ct. are shown putting the finishing touches to this week's window display. Members of the shop are preparing their store for the influx of articles they expect at their Bundle Tea to be held Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven is opening her home for the annual event. Members are hoping for record contributions as their stock is now depleted. The shop is soliciting all types of usable clothing and household articles. Proceeds from the sale of these articles are used for charity.

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Donated by the Ann Arbor News. © The Ann Arbor News.