Ann Arbor Public Evening School - Auto Shop Class, February 1955

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 18, 1955
KNOW YOUR AUTO: That's the title of a night school course designed to help the average car owner - women as well as men - understand the mechanics of their vehicle. It also helps them detect and make simple repairs. Donald Staebler (right), the instructor, identifies parts of an automobile engine for his class. Students (in clockwise order) are Dian Brockmiller (foreground, back to camera), Rosalyn Bondy, Tom Corkin, Helen Rocheleau and Maxine Clapper.
Ann Arbor News, February 18, 1955
KNOW YOUR AUTO: That's the title of a night school course designed to help the average car owner - women as well as men - understand the mechanics of their vehicle. It also helps them detect and make simple repairs. Donald Staebler (right), the instructor, identifies parts of an automobile engine for his class. Students (in clockwise order) are Dian Brockmiller (foreground, back to camera), Rosalyn Bondy, Tom Corkin, Helen Rocheleau and Maxine Clapper.
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