Ann Arbor High School student council officers around their new flagpole, May 1941

Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 26, 1961
PROMISE FULFILLED: Eleas Vlisides last year won election to the Student Council presidency at Ann Arbor High chiefly on his promised to campaign for a new flagpole for the school. He and other officers are shown here, with their promise made good; they are (left to right) Vlisides, Mary Lou Hollway, Doris Allmendinger, Suzanne Springer and Garrett Graham. ("May 26, 1941": Officers of the Ann Arbor High School student council (see photo) presented a new flagpole, erected on the school grounds, to principal and faculty. Funds for it were raised by various social activities.)
Ann Arbor News, May 26, 1961
PROMISE FULFILLED: Eleas Vlisides last year won election to the Student Council presidency at Ann Arbor High chiefly on his promised to campaign for a new flagpole for the school. He and other officers are shown here, with their promise made good; they are (left to right) Vlisides, Mary Lou Hollway, Doris Allmendinger, Suzanne Springer and Garrett Graham. ("May 26, 1941": Officers of the Ann Arbor High School student council (see photo) presented a new flagpole, erected on the school grounds, to principal and faculty. Funds for it were raised by various social activities.)
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