Mailbox for St. John's Catholic Church Christmas Bazaar, December 1960

Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 1, 1960
Santa's Mail: Tommy Farrell looks a bit doubtful as he mails his letter to Santa, even if its safe delivery is assured by Snow Princess Mary Fitzharris. The Snow Princess will reign over Santa's Mailbox at the Christmas bazaar, sponsored by St. John's Catholic Church of Ypsilanti tomorrow and Saturday. Tommy is the son of Capt. and Mrs. Peter Farrell of Ypsilanti. Mr. and Mrs. Burleson Fitzharris of Ypsilanti are Mary's parents.
Ann Arbor News, December 1, 1960
Santa's Mail: Tommy Farrell looks a bit doubtful as he mails his letter to Santa, even if its safe delivery is assured by Snow Princess Mary Fitzharris. The Snow Princess will reign over Santa's Mailbox at the Christmas bazaar, sponsored by St. John's Catholic Church of Ypsilanti tomorrow and Saturday. Tommy is the son of Capt. and Mrs. Peter Farrell of Ypsilanti. Mr. and Mrs. Burleson Fitzharris of Ypsilanti are Mary's parents.
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