Josephine & Joseph Barrett Relive Memories From Serving In World War I, November 1967
Published In
Ann Arbor News, November 10, 1967
Mrs. Joseph E. Barrett and her husband revive 1918 memories as they look over framed commission papers Mrs. Barrett received then as sub-directress of a nurses training school for Haitian women. She served as a Navy nurse in Haiti during World War I while her husband served in an Army artillery unit at Camp Custer.
Ann Arbor News, November 10, 1967
Mrs. Joseph E. Barrett and her husband revive 1918 memories as they look over framed commission papers Mrs. Barrett received then as sub-directress of a nurses training school for Haitian women. She served as a Navy nurse in Haiti during World War I while her husband served in an Army artillery unit at Camp Custer.
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