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Gimmey Enters Plea Of Guilty

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Man Charged With Death of Wife To Be Examined
Raymond C. Gimmey, 24 years old, charged with causing the death of his wife, Ida, by striking her in the throat during a quarrel on Oct. 18, entered a plea of guilty to a manslaughter charge today before Circuit Judge George W. Sample. Judge Sample will examine him this afternoon.
"I just want to get it over with. I ask nothing of the court," Gimmey said when asked if he wished an attorney. Judge Sample appointed John Conlin as attorney stating that he wanted to know everything about the case.
Mrs. Gimmey died in St. Joseph's Mercy hospital of a hemorrhage in the throat nine hours after she said she was struck by her husband during a quarrel over driving his automobile.
"This is a serious matter for him and he ought to have advice of counsel," Judge Sample declared when Gimmey was arraigned. "If he pleads guilty the court is at a disadvantage in not knowing all the facts of the case. The court wants to know everything about the case before passing sentence.
"The court has been asked to put the man on probation but there is a question as to whether a judge has the right to do so under the circumstances."
Gimmey will be examined privately this afternoon by Judge Sample.
Six others held on criminal charges were arraigned by Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp.
James Warden, 22 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warden of Sylvan township, entered a plea of guilty to larceny from a building. He is charged with taking 46 bushels of oats from a barn on the farm of a neighbor, Sylvester Weber, and selling it.
Harold Buxton, 32 years old, charged jointly with Warden, entered a plea of not guilty and demanded a jury trial and counsel. Buxton maintained his innocence when Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp produced a confession which was signed by both Buxton and Warden. Buxton admitted serving a year in Jackson prison for larceny and being placed on probation for a year for embezzlement.
Examinations on the pair were deferred until this afternoon.
David Forshee, Ypsilanti resident since last February, pleaded guilty to a charge of unlawfully driving away an automobile owned by the E. G. Weidemann Co., of Ypsilanti. His case was deferred until this afternoon.
George Wright, 17, Ypsilanti, Negro, pleaded guilty to purse snatching. Harry Crosby, charged jointly with Wright, entered a plea of not guilty. Wright was ordered to return this afternoon for sentence.
William Wheeler, Ypsilanti Negro, entered a plea of guilty to breaking and entering in the nighttime. He is charged with entering a house on Sept. 7 in Ypsilanti. Sentence was deferred until this afternoon.