Burke Asked To Keep Post

Burke Asked To Keep Post
Fitzgerald Wants Local Man To Continue Duties As Civil Service Head
By William F. Pyper
(News Lansing Bureau)
LANSING-Every effort will be made to keep George J. Burke of Ann Arbor as a member of the Civil Service Commission and as chairman, Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald said today.
The governor disclosed that Burke had resigned "but the resignation will not be accepted if I can help it,” Fitzgerald added. "If there is such a thing as drafting him for the job he is now drafted. I want him to stay."
"You mean as chairman as well as a member of the commission?” the governor was asked.
“Yes, I mean as chairman-and he is an outstanding Democrat.”
Stops Ward Politicians Gov. Fitzgerald's attitude on civil service, particularly with his appointment of William A. Irving of Sandusky to succeed Stuart H. Perry of Adrian, and his insistence that Burke serve appears to arrest the demands of the ward politicians for room at the patronage pie counter.
Burke is an ardent supporter of a non-political merit system and has taken no steps backward when the members of his own party have demanded that he wink at the law. His resignation 'to Fitzgerald was predicated on his belief that each administration should have the right to select its own commission members.