Eagles Set For Parade Tomorrow
Eagles Set For Parade Tomorrow
Louis J. Braun Of South Range Elected New State Leader
A colorful parade and drill competition, with 15 or more drill teams and several bands and drum corps expected to take part, will close the four-day convention of Michigan Eagles tomorrow. The parade is scheduled for 1:30, and the drill competition will be held as soon as the procession disbands.
Louis J. Braun of South Range was elected president of the Michigan State Aerie early this afternoon, and Alpena was awarded the 1940 convention.
L. N. Morrisson of Ann Arbor was elected state inside guard, and other officers named were: Robert Gilmore, Muskegon Heights, past president; Frank Sadler, Calumet, vice-president; Daniel Klaver, Lansing, chaplain; Michael Ryan, Alpena, secretary; Claire Collison, Kalamazoo, treasurer; Lester Johnson, Detroit, outside guard.
State trustees are: Ernest T. Pauli, Saginaw; John Pugh, Muskegon; Edward Ward, Jackson; John Werner, Cheboygan; and William Anderson, Flint. John Gerbert of Grand Rapids was elected delegate to the national Eagles convention in Grand Rapids.
Parade Route Changed
The route of the parade was changed today. It will begin at the Armory, proceed south to Huron St., and then east on Huron to State St. The line of march is south on State to William St., west on William to S. Main and north on Main to Huron St The reviewing stand will be set up at Washington and Main Sts.
The parade will disband at the county building, and the drill teams from various aeries in the state, including the Ann Arbor organization, will compete for several hundred dollars in prizes at Fourth Ave. and Catherine St. Prizes also will be offered for the best entries in the parade, which is open to local merchants.
Comstock To Speak
Former-Gov. William A. Comstock, a member of the Eagles lodge for the past 10 years, will speak at the convention banquet at 6:30 tonight at the Masonic temple. The grand ball will be held at the Masonic temple, following the dinner program.
Competition among men and women’s ritual and drill teams is scheduled for tomorrow morning, with cash prizes at stake. The winning teams will initiate a class of approximately 200 candidates following the parade and drill competition in the afternoon.
Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.)
Drill Teams
Michigan - Comstock
Clubs & Organizations
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Louis J. Braun
L. N. Morrisson
Robert Gilmore
Frank Sadler
Daniel Klaver
Michael Ryan
Claire Collison
Lester Johnson
Ernest T. Pauli
John Pugh
Edward Ward
John Werner
William Anderson
John Gerbert
William A. Comstock