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Michigan Daily To Observe 50th Anniversary Friday

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Michigan Daily To Observe!
r 50 !~.a.~~~i v ep~~~~~!. !.~~!
3 Fifty years ago a group, of en- tising.
terprising University of Michigan Purchased For $2,500
students founded a daily campus Shortly after the turn of the
newspaper and announced with century the "Dally" was purchased
tl pride that announcements received from its student owners for $2.!;i00
before 10 a.m. "will be published and has since been an official Unithe
same day." versity publication under the auWhile
the proclaimed alacrity thority of a governing board of
of the student editors apparently four faculty, three student and
• astonished no one even In the "gay two alumni members.
ninetiea," the venture caught hold · Key editorial men now are paid
on the campus to lay the founda- salaries which range downward
e tlon of half a century of uninter· from $350 a year for managing edl·
f rupted publication of a dally news- tor. Last year's payroll to 'ltudent
f paper. editors. was nearly $7,000. More
[• The milestone of the first 50 than 150 students are employed In
years will be reached Friday when thP. editorial and business departformer
editors, business managers ments. ·
and staff men will sit down at a Aside from chronicling campus
~ banquet to exchange memories of events, the "Daily," now a morning
~ their experiences on the campus paper, has for 23 years had full
publication. . Associated Press service by which
, From its early days when the it records for its readers tht> latest
editors liOlicited "any item of news developments in international, dofor
which we will remember the mestic and state affairs.
kindness," the "Daily" has de- Of the hundreds of students who
veloped from a four-page, four- have been editors or business mancolumn
paper into six or eight agers, perhaps no more than 25 per
pages across eight columns every cent have undertaken journalistic
24 hours. careers. Two of its best known
Now housed in the modern former editors are Supreme Court
$200,000 student publication build- Justice Frank Murphy and District
ing, which was completed In 1932, Attorney Thomas E. Dewey.
the "Daily" has list~d. assets of "We pride the fact that scores of
, nearly a . quarter ~1lho~ dollars prominent newspaper men received ! and a mall and carrier circulation their first training on the Daily,"
of more than 3,000. Last year the says Pr.of. Edson R. Sunderland,
who has been a board member for
23 years, "but the publication has
broader implications. We consider
it an invaluable educational experience."
Remain In Profes1ioh
But among newsmen ''Daily"
staffs have produced are S. E.
Thomason, publisher of the Chi'
cago Times; Philip M. Wagner,
editor of the Baltimore Sun; Lee
A. White, of the Detroit News;
Mark Foote, Washington correspondent
of Booth Newspapers, Inc.;
Conrad N. Church, managing editor
of the Pontiac Daily Press; Lee
M. Woodruff,. editor of the Grand
Rapids Press and George A. Osborn,
editor of the Sault Ste. Marie
Other alumni of note include
Frank Eaman, the Detroit Pollee
commissioner; Shirley Smith, University
vice president; Charles
Baird, the former Michigan athletic
director who hired Fielding
H. Yost; Harold Titus, the author,
and Beach Conger, the war correspondent
who twice was ordered
from Germany for dispatches displeasing
to the Nazis.
Down through the years coeds
have been staff members but with
two exceptions were domihated by .Imen editors. In World war days all
available men students were under
military control so a woman editor
was hired. There has beent one