Miss Ann Cook Weds David Davis Of Youngstown
Miss Ann Cook Weds David Davis Of Youngstown
The First Presbyterian church was the scene Saturday afternoon of the marriage of Ann Elizabeth Cook and David Davis, II. Dr. Willam P. Lemon read the marriage ser 'ce. - The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney P. Cook of Martin Pl. Mr. Davis' parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Davis of Youngstown, O.
Given in marriage by her father, the former Miss Cook wore a gown of crushed ivory ending in a short train. Her fingertip veil fell from
pearl headdress and she carried a white prayer book topped by a white orchid. Reception Held
A reception followed in the Lewis Vance parlors of the church. Presiding at the tea table were Mrs. William M. Laird of Scottwood Ave., Mrs. Kenneth A. Easlick of Shadford Rd., Mrs. Louis J. Rouse of Michigan Ave., and Mrs. Harold Trick of Woodside Rd.
The bride is a graduate of Ann Arbor High school and is a student at the University. A graduate of Virginia Military Institute, Mr. Davis is a student of industrial design in the University. He is affiliated with Chi Psi fraternity. Mr. Lewis served as a lieutenant with the Eighth Air Force and was based in England. The couple will live at 1110 Olivia Ave.
Marriage Announcements
First Presbyterian Church
Ann Arbor High School - Alumnus
Chi Psi Fraternity
Has Photo
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Ann Elizabeth Cook Davis
David Davis II
Rev. Dr. William P. Lemon
Sydney P. Cook
Mrs. Sydney P. Cook
Carolyn Myers Cook
Robert J. Davis
Mrs. William M. Laird
Mrs. Kenneth Easlick
Mrs. Louis J. Rouse
Mrs. Harold Trick
Eck Stanger
1110 Olivia Ave